Chapter 9: Plea for help

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This chapter will focus mostly on Iris's group because I figured they should get a chapter...right? And I will put parts of the Champion Challenges in this chapter because I'm not doing a full chapter. Also I had a brain fart and forgot about Meray, Beraz, and Hoopa living with ash in his suite so Ill be sure to include them in more chapters

"You can't stop me!"

"I can and I will! Wait-Is that?!"

"Now I will finally get my revenge after all these years."


I jolted up, my forehead sweaty.

A Nightmare...again.

Since I couldn't go back to sleep I decided to get dressed and get something to eat. Judging by the snoring in the other room, Meray and Beraz were sleeping, so when I got into the living room I was slightly surprised to see Hoopa wide awake eating a donut. "Hoopa?" I asked as it finished eating a donut. It then saw me "What are you doing?"

"Hoopa had bad dream a few minutes ago, decided to wake up for the day." It explained. "Oh" I replied "What was the bad dream you had?"

"Hoopa saw two people." Two people? "One looked like Ash-kun and the other one I didn't know." Looked like me? What dream was this? "Unknown kun had a golden orb and used it to do something to Ash-kun, saying that he will finally get revenge." Wait what?! "That's the exact same dream I dreamt." I said and Hoopa looked at me, slightly shocked "It was?" It asked "Yes, but after the unknown figure said he would get his revenge, the dream stopped." I explained and it nodded. "We should keep this between us." I suggested "I don't think we should worry Meray and Beraz."

"For now yes, but we will have to tell Meray-chan and Beraz-kun sometime." Hoopa replied and I had to admit it was right, but I'll worry about that bridge when I come to it. I then heard a knock on the door. "Let's continue this conversation at another time." I said as I walked down the the hallway to open the door and Hoopa went back to its room. To my surprise, Professor Oak, Sycamore, and Steven were at my doorstep. "Can I help you?" I asked, a bit confused seeing as it's 7 in the morning.

"Could we come in?" Sycamore asked and I obliged, opening the door further so the odd trio could walk in. We all sat at the table "So what brings you three here, so early in the morning?" I asked, and Professor Oak spoke up "Well you see we wanted to talk to you about exploring the ruins of valor before you left for The Champion Challenges."

"Explore the- wait I thought you said you and Oak already explored it?" Sycamore asked, surprised "You told us you got the infernite there."

"Well..Yes and no." I said and he rose an eyebrow "I only explored the entrance because you can't get in on your own, that's why I said you could explore them. As for the wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Why's that?" Sycamore asked, ok enough questions. There stalling, but for what? "Ok out with it you obviously came out to see me for another reason so stop stalling and cut to the point please!" I demanded/requested at the same time, Meray, Beraz, and Hoopa were sleeping so I didn't want to raise my voice. The trio exchanged a look and sighed. "Well." Sycamore began "We saw what happened at the battle royale yesterday, Iris achieving synchronized evolution and all that. As well as Brock's Mega Steelix."

"And since they have some unique skill sets, they could be very helpful with exploring The Ruins Of Valor." Oak added on.

"What unique skill sets do they have?" I asked and the trio exchanged a look "Well Iris has achieved synchronized evolution." Professor Sycamore explained. "That she can barley control." I added on.
"Maybe you could train her on the way?" He suggested. I could train her....if I wasn't surrounded by lava, falling boulders, and geysers of lava spraying everywhere.

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