Chapter 2- The Long Journey

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Ash's POV
"Alright that's all of it." I said as a slinged my backpack over my shoulder. "Wow you didn't pack much." Alder pointed out, I nodded, I mean I'm coming back here so there's no point of getting some big suitcase. "Well let's get going." I said, Alder was about to pull out a Pokémon, but I stopped him "You can't fly out of here, the winds are to strong and the oxygen is very thin up here. You go up there and you will suffocate to death." I explained and he nodded, putting his pokeball away. We walked out of the forest, into the cold climate, then we started walking towards the cave "Hey Ash Why has the forest not died yet?" Diantha asked "Its to cold for anything to grow out here."

"I used my aura to make a forcefield to prevent the forest from dying, but that doesn't stop the freezing temperatures." I explained and she nodded, then we got to the cave and started going through it, using torches to guide through the darkness, soon we exited the cave and found ourselves in an area filled with multiple ledges. "Careful." I warned "The ground here is unstable and the slightest mistake could case a massive avalanche." They nodded as I guided them through the rocky terrain. Then I climbed down and got on a cliff that seemed pretty stable. "Alright, this ledge is stable. I'm going to use my aura and bring you guys down here one at a time, then you guys climb down to the next one as fast and as careful as you can. I don't how many people these ledges can support." I instructed, then my eye turned blue and I slowly lifted Steven off his feet and descended him to to the cliff I'm on. "I will never get use to that." He said and started climbing down to the next one "I've marked the stable ledges with my aura. Go to the ones that are engulfed in blue." Then I slowly lifted Lance off his feet and brought him down, followed up by Diantha, Alder, and Cynthia. As soon as we all got past the cliffs, we made our way to a small archway bridge made of ice. Knowing that ice couldn't support us all we went across one by one. "Alright Lance, your turn." I called out, Lance nodded and started to walk across, Then the ice started to crack, and he froze. (no pun intended) Then, as he started to walk again, the ice broke beneath him and he started to fall "LANCE!" Diantha shouted and I immediately sprung into action, using my aura to stop him from falling midair. Slowly, I pulled him towards us and lowered him on the ground. "I owe you one." He said, grateful. I nodded and we started walking again. After 30 minutes of walking we reached the deadliest part, the underground lake. "This is a shortcut to the road I use when I have to go the local town and resupply." I explained "Beyond this lake lies a trail that will take us to Etera City." They nodded then they slowly started to jump on to the ice chunks in the lake "No wait!" I shouted but it was to late. The ice broke and all of them fell in. Without thinking I immediately used my aura to yank them back on to the stable ground. "You can't walk across the ice. It's very unstable. That and the lake is overflowing with Carvanha and Basculin." And as if I need to prove my point, Carvanha jumped out of the water and tried to attack a Basculin. Then a battle erupted between the two species. "Both sides are trying to overpower the other." I explained as they were warming up. "So far they are equally matched."

"How long will they be like this." Lance asked, impatient "Well...4-6 hours." I answered "Usually I'd just stay and watch for awhile, then break it up if it gets to extreme because I had all the time in the world, but now since you guys are here." Then my eye glowed blue and I split the lake in 2, revealing a path. After that I stopped the flow of time in the lake to prevent the Pokémon from attacking us "I can't wait." I finished my sentence, they looked at me, shocked. "These are just the basic things you can do with aura." I explained, making their jaws drop "An Aura Guardian can become so powerful to a point where they can split a planet in half." Then I proceeded to walk through the lake. "Coming?" I asked, bringing them out of there trance like state, they soon followed me and we reached the end of the lake. I fixed the lake then we walked for awhile until we saw light. Now we were outside, at the bottom of the mountain. "Welcome to Etera City."

Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far.

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