part 6 (my girl friend )

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Nandini pov

"missed u babe . How are u ?when did u written from London? " he asked her breaking the bug

The person : "really ! U missed me ? Yeah sure and u know who I am ? the Queen of London ."
She retroact with sarcasm .she looked dissapointed .why ? may be she got to know about the marrage . But why will she be upset with that ?

All this while I observed her .she looked so pretty, much precisely to describe her she appears so classy . With perfect shape and height. soo hot .
Unlike me .
OH GODDD . what happened to me? Why am I comparing myself with her ?

M :" come on Soha . Don't take me wrong . Just work pressure and things are so messed that I couldn't pick ur calls. Please yarr sorry . " he made a puppy . I can assure u any girl can fall for that eyes .
Oooo that's so cute....

Soha: " ooo that's so cute manik"
Ooooo No offence but that's my mind voice .miss SOHA.

M: that means all OK.
S: yeah .
M : thank God. U take rest we will catch up in the evening. Buy
S : buy .
With that both of them dispersed to their work .once I felt unwanted, that's hurt .
Am I that invisible?
Nevertheless, I have a great solution to deal with this " FOOD " .
I made my way to my breakfast .usually I eat lot when I am upset but this time something inside me pinched hard .
The ingnorance from manik , I couldn't take it . I let the food untouched ,which made for him and made my way to Neonika aunty room . I haven't seen her after marrage I really want to talk to her about the college readmission.

At night :

Today was hectic. First manik and soha's drama and their unknown relationship. Then Neonika aunty , I couldn't see her till now and I went to sent off my lovely Didi and cabir jiju to their honeymoon . She appeared visually excited.
Atlease she is enjoying her marrage life . Unlike me ...

       I am waiting for him for past an hour but there is no trace of him . I can understand, why he slept in guest room yesterday . He doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable.
But what about today . Will he be with me? Why I want him to be with me and not with soha?
But he said he will meet her after he return from work . Lets wait till he comes

After waiting for another hour I decided to sleep . As I am not a late night person .I usually in my bed by 9 but now it's past 10.30 .
I can't take it any more. Suddenly I heard the horn may be it's manik . I rushed to open . But I was late soha caught him in the midway.
I felt like crying . I don't know why but I felt dejected .so I return to his room .

Manik pov :
It's been a long day for me . Next to next meeting and the plan for my Dream project ...ufff ... nothing can be gained without hardwork .

Right now I want to crash on my bed . But soha wants to spend some time with me . I won't blame her , still at the end of the day I am a human right I need sleep .

M : "soha don't mind yarr , I am just feeling sleepy ".
S :" ooh sorry manik u go .we will meet in the morning . Good night "
M: " good night "

I entered my room and I found a divine fragrances reaching my nostril .
My eyes found a petty figure sleeping in the bed . now where will I sleep ?
What will she think about me if I asked to share bed with me ?

I went to get change and after returning I found nandini is making  herself comfortable in the sofa .
But she was sleeping in the bed . What happened  now ?
M: what happened nandini?  Why are u sleeping in the sofa .?
N:I thought u will sleep in the bed so.....
M : thank u yarr .  I thought my back is going to get ache on sleeping in that . But u saved me.
N : ok good night

She is looking so tired and her eyes are red .may be she is missing her parents  .poor girl . Even she won't be comfortable in the sofa so I thought of asking her to share .

M : "nandini hmm.... May be ...we can sh..are the bed if you are OK with it ? "
OH god why am I stammering.  I looked like a teenage boy  . What's happening with me . ? But nevertheless I prepared for the rejection but to my surprise  she calmly laid on the opposite side of the  bed .

I wished her and we both went to sleep .. a long night I guess .

Nandini pov 

     At night I felt so thirsty thus I woke up . But i found manik is  missing . Where did he go at this night ? May be to wash room  . So I waited for him to return. I couldn't  sleep anymore but he didn't came out . So I thought of checking him .

N : "manik...manik ...are u in there?  Manik..."
To my surprise he was not there not even in balcony. 
So I went to check out side . Light is on in one corner  I think it's the guest room ( soha's room )

    I went on the direction   .  some part of me warning not to . but I ingnored them .
Now I am regretting the decision and my world crushed when I saw manik KISSING  soha .

I couldn't take it anymore .I started to run .
MAY BE I could run from this harsh reality.
MAY BE  we are not ment to Be . 
MAY BE  .........

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Next update next week. 
Love u everyone ❤❤❤❤

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