part 17 (a proposal)

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He went to a well established restaurant in the city .
"Escuse me, table booked in the name of malhothra"
he enquired in the reception area and reached only to find his date already waiting for him .

He cleared his throat to gain her attention .
             she looked  pretty, much like a doll but................... nothing when compared to nandini's innocence . His subconscious automatically reward him with answer .

" i am so sorry i got stuck in the  traffic. U must be alya right  . "
he made an apologise  .

"yes and  Its ok manik . no problem " 
with that both shared a formal hug .

he gave her  the flowers
" This is for u . like it ?"

" its so beautiful manik thanks , I have to say u have nice choice " she gave a appreciation smile .

" actually its my wife's choice " he gave a sheepish smile.

" ok " she avoided the topic .

" I know its awkward but the truth is I am married and now we are going to get divorced but still.....
something in me is not willing to . Look aliya I agreed to meet u because dad asked me to apart from that i have no interest in this . I hope u would understand my  situation . "  he gave his final verdict .

" yeah I can but u know u can't be like this forever right ? u have to move on and I think our parents made right decision  for us ."  she tried to persuade him .

" ok  Ill think about it.  now i have a meeting to attend so Ill take a leave bye. "  he conveniently lied to move away .

Manik pov

Oh god what is happening ? everything was ok .after nandini came everything became more than fine actually I was so relaxed and happy .
I thought finally I found a reason for my existence but then she doesn't acknowledge my feelings .

Can it be more simple without any drama and all .??????
somebody help me .....

end of pov

with that he returned home only to get greeted by his lovely father .

" DAD!!! what a  suprise . how are u dad ?" he looked visibly elite by his presence .

"I am good manik how are u .?"
"fine dad "
" ok come , I want to  discuss something . lets go to study "
" ok"

In study

" so how's  ur date ?"
"aliya  !  ergg.... she is pretty ,confident and modern too . hmm.....what else ."

" manik look ,I know u are not happy with nandini and moreover u were forced to marry her but aliya will be ur choice . she is more talented and pretty . even she can help u in music . "

"really !   how ?" 

               Manik expression was expected afterall Mr.Malhothra  was not a one day  business man .He can easily make people dance for his own tune . but this time it's not someone, its his blood .

" manik , aliya is a business women so she will take care of company and u can concentrate on music ,so what do u think ?"

He got more confused  . he needs to hit his comforts right now .
" dad  I need to sleep good night "

"good night manik think about it "
he finished his speech with smirk and made sure everything was heard by someone hidden on the doorstep . such a business man u see .

In room .

manik pov

ahhh..... my mind is going to burst right now .
   I need a shower . This cold water will be much of help .

wait . a . minute . where is nandini ? I didn't see her.
   she must be here before me .  may be cooking something delicious  .
  one thing for sure even after the rift , she never stopped cooking for me and her angelic face thats my home  .

WHATTTTT??????  even her clothes are missing . ? where is she ?
there is still six months for our seperation .
Does she left me .? This  one question made me immobilese  . I never knew I was crying untill I was brought back to reality by a  knock at the door .

" sir dinner is ready "

" ramesh , nandini where is she ? "

"sir mam got shift to guest room "

without wasting a second I went barged into the room without knocking . and there she is , standing in the balcony , sightseeing her favourite stars .
   She sparkled in the moonlight . she acknowledged my presence and found me lost in her.

manik .. what are u ...

I didn't let her finish instead took her to a soul crushing hug . I never knew I missed her so much . for god sake  I never missed anyone  in my life . Its her only her who can  evoke this feelings in mine .

       I never knew I loved her this much . This sudden realisation made my hold strong on her that it nearly got my finger imprint on her milky waist .

"what happened to u  manik ?"

" what happened to u nandu ?? what happened to us ?? " I asked that something bothering for a long run .

she slowly  tried  to broke the hug while I made my hold stronger .she couldn't resist more . Gave up her struggle to rest in my embrace .

"manik who answer a question with a question ? " she replied with a sigh .

She sounds tired . I broke the hug to study her face . Its been the same like this for a week ,   an expressionless face . but there is something she couldn't hide , her dried tears .

I wiped her face and moved a inch closer . Her divine fragrances did the required assault to my hormones .

MAY BE  I should propose her.
MAY BE then she will open up.
May be she will  award me with a punch .
Nevertheless  I should.

" Nandini  I ........

I couldn't complete my sentence .......

MAY BE  this is....

what might have happened ???? guess guys .
thanks for ur support .
like and comment guys if you like the update .
love you enjoy everyone .

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