Black Fog

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Just after Hiro's College Audition, May 20th, 2039 8:00 pm

I sigh as I turn around to find a man... or rather cyborg, dressed in what seems to be a super villain suit and eyes as crazy as they can get.  He somehow looks familiar, but I still don't understand how he could know my name.  I am in the past, after all.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask, folding my arms.

"Oh please!  Don't tell me you forgot me again!  Oh Lordy, if this happens a third time, the Boss will pay."

"Captain, I know that voice, do we need to relocate to your position?"  Violet's voice asks in my ear.

"I'm also recognizing that voice, I think we need to get to the Security Room, Hologram over."

"Well, I'm reporting some shady figures outside the Security Room.  Literally.  They're exuding black fog.  No one is noticing it, though.  Yin over."

"What are you talking about?  I don't see anyone.  InvisiGirl out."

"I do.  At least the fog, anyway.  We're going to need another way for you to get in or for me to get out," I mutter quietly as the guy continues to talk about himself.

"Wait, aren't you-"

"Supposed to be listening to this guy?  Whatever, he isn't noticing.  I'm starting to form a plan while he's going on about his life story."

I hear Hologram sigh before asking "what's the new plan?"

"Well, it depends on Yin.  Has Queso turned off your ability, my favorite screamer?"

The man waves a hand in front of my face, practically yelling at me.  "Hello, Earth to Wilbur Robinson!"

"Yeah, Yeah.  I spaced out.  Who are you?"  I stare at him as he smirks.

"I gave Glitchy a nice reminder of how short life can be."

"Syndrome!"  Both Violet and Vanellope growl.

"I know what you're thinking-"

"Yeah, she wanted me to thank you, by the way," I interrupt, talking to Syndrome.

He stiffens, obviously surprised.  "Why?"

I smirk, knowing I got him.  "If it weren't for you, she would have never joined the team."  With that, I pull out my disassembler and shoot it at him, causing his cyborg side to short circuit and crash into the computers, sparks flying.  "NOW!"

A loud scream is heard and the door falls in warped, two people emitting some sort of darkness falling unconscious on top of the said door.

Then, with the sparks flying, the fire starts.

"Guys, I found out what starts the fire!  We need to go, otherwise this timeline will be even worse!"  I jump over the two and the door and run, trying to get through the crowd.  "Yin, Hologram, InvisiGirl, get to the Machine, I will meet you there.  I need to do one more thing."

I finally get through the crowd and run into the labs, sprinting down empty hallways.

"Time Travel, we do not have time for souvenirs!"

"Not even one?"  I ask as I enter a lab and look at a red box.  "But it's not even for us.  It's delivery!"

"No," all three say.

"Too late, already here.  I might as well just take it."  I pick it up, smiling as I admire how light it is.  "Got it!"  I unplug it and yell out a bunch of numbers before jumping out the second story window.


Standing beside the Time Machine, we try to make sense of the numbers he yelled.  "Is it just me, or did it sound like a crash right after?" Vanellope asks with her arms folded.

"What was that?"  Penny asks, looking at the building as someone screams.  In turn, Vanellope looks over to see Hiro and Tadashi look over in our direction.

"They're time coordinates," I realize, jumping in.  "Let's go!"  Though the other two were clearly confused, they follow orders and I punch in the numbers Wilbur yelled in our ears, letting the Time Machine do the traveling.

"How do you know how to use this thing?  You're from the sixties!"  Penny stares at me in surprise as I shyly sit down.

"I may or may not have studied a manual."

"UWAAAA!"  The Time Machine opens up as Hologram presses a button and Wilbur falls in, holding onto... Baymax's red box?  "Alright!  Let's get this show on the road!  Let's travel time to about an hour ago and drop this off before returning home."

"Why an hour?"  Vanellope asks.

"Keeps us from being followed.  Come on, there could be someone coming after us!"  I punch in the new coordinates and we start to take off.

"Everything is back to normal?" Penny asks, settling in.

"Only one way to find out."  Vanellope looks up at the sky, looking hopeful until her eyebrows furrow.  "That's not right."  She continues looking before yelling "look out!"

With a thud, someone lands on top of us just as we leave this time, popping the bubble sending the raw power of the in between or whatever it is... you know what?  I'm calling it the time vortex like in Doctor Who.  Yes, I watch British shows occasionally, and I found it entertaining back home.

Anyway, the power of the Time Vortex comes upon the Time Machine full power and the vehicle supposed to be taking us somewhere splits, breaking apart as whoever popped our Time Bubble latches onto me and pulls me away from the group, making everything go black.

Place Unknown, Time Unknown, Date Unknown, Dimension Unknown

I gasp and sit up to the sound of animals, looking around to see I'm in some sort of extravagant cabin... or maybe a workshop?  A bunch of furry people speed walk busily from place to place, working on toy after toy and I see a bunch of moving gnomes on the ground failing to do what the furry people are doing.

"What the... where am I?"

"Ah, so you're awake!"  A loud, Russian voice calls out behind me.  I swirl around to see an old, bearded man in a red shirt... well red clothing, actually.  He reminds me of a macho version of Santa.

"She's awake!?"  A girl with feathers all over her and wings on her back flies in straight towards me excitedly, shocking me as she gets in my face.  "She's beautiful!"

"Tooth, you're scaring her."  Australian.  That is definitely an Australian voice.  I look to the side and see some weird looking kangaroo examining a boomerang from the shadows.

Despite how freaked out I am, I manage not to show my emotions at the sight of them, backing away slowly.  "W-where am I?" I ask, scared.

Then, a yellow thing pops up in front of me and I shriek.


That was fun!  Seriously, it was a good chapter to write!  I was kinda planning for so much more to happen by this part of the book, though...

Oh well!  Onto the Next Chapter!

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