The Twins The Potter and the Alley

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On the train everyone was asleep dreaming of what to come in London. As they pulled into Kings Cross station from Paris. They went to the closest hotel to the train station. " ok so why we here" asked everyone. "You'll see" said Josh. "Give me the time whatchamacolit" said Josh. " ugh fine" said Nicholas. He hand it to Josh and josh begins to turn it 19 times. The day Harry Potter left for Hogwarts. So as time went by everyone was wondering why they were listening to a young adult who's 19 to early 20s now. "Follow....I have tickets" said Josh. "For what" asked Nicholas who's annoyed. "A train in 2 days" said Josh. "Follow me to get supplies". Sophie pulled her brother aside and asked him " are we really going to Hogwarts". "Yes but keep it on the down low Nicholas knows Dumbledore it will be a great reunion." Said josh. she asked excited she was finally going to Hogwarts.

Meanwhile in the shadow realm.19 years ago... "take that" said Scatty". "Ugh I can use a break" I'm below London right so I'll go to the leaky Cauldron and order a butterbeer." You hear a evil unsettling voice. "Hart r y P p p o t t er it's ve r r y nice to me e meet you." It was Quirl next to Scatty. And as Harry left through the back of the building The crew comes through the door and sees Scatty. "Hey Scatty" said Josh. "Do I know you. You look familiar but it's been years since I seen you" said Scatty. Scatty tried to remember but couldn't then she smelled the scents of vanilla and oranges.

" is you" giving both of them a hug. As they are catching up each having a butterbeer on Scatty tab. "So why are you here" Scatty asked. "We're sneaking off to Hogwarts. We're going to blend in with robes and school books and learn more on our powers and hopefully learn new kinds of magic(wand,potions l,etc.)." Josh said.

"You think you can sneak on to the Hogwarts express without a ticket" states Scatty. "We bought them in advanced" said Sophie. "Do you want to come we have an extra ticket" asked Nicholas. "If there's no trouble I'll come" said Scatty. As they went through the back of the pub they see a brick wall that is still open. Hagrid and harry just walked through. "There's your money Harry at Gringotts bank" said Hagrid. As they continued through the busy alley The Flamels, Scatty, Billy, Joan, Germain, Machiavelli, and the twins crept through the shadows not being seen by anyone. "Be careful you don't want to mess with the story line" said Nicholas. "Why nothing will happen didn't we already disrupt the story by being here" said the twins. "Well... sorta but don't break the forth wall. We didn't disrupt it just don't talk to anyone other then the shopkeepers til we go to Hogwarts" said Nicholas and Perry. "Why is something big going to happen" asked Sophie. "No" said Josh. "Only the biggest interaction ever in the robe shop. Harry meets Draco for the first time there". Said Josh. "No he meets him at Hogwarts" said Sophie. "That's the movie version...didn't you read the books?" said Josh. "Oh yea" said Sophie. "Be Quiet" said everyone else. "sorry" the twins said in a whisper.

As Harry entered the bank with Hagrid the twins went to Olivanders to see if a wand will choose them. As they went through the Wands they finally found the one that picked them. Josh's is Ebony 10' dragon heart string and Sophie's is fir 10'3/4 unicorn hair. "Thanks" the twins said to Ollivander. "Any time" he said in return and before they walked out they heard a familiar voice. It was Harry they had to hide. They couldn't talk to him till Hogwarts.
"Mr. Ollivander is there a place you can hide us for the time being" asked Sophie. "Indeed there is follow me" said Ollivander. He took them to the back off the shop and said " stay quiet till I come get you". "Ok" said the twins. The bell rings and Ollivander on the wand ladder says "I wondered when I'll be seeing you Mr. Potter". " So how long do you think he'll be" Josh asked in a whisper. " I don't know but I hope it's soon it's cramped back here with all these Wands" Sophie said also in a whisper.

Back in Diagon Alley Flamel was wondering what was taking so long. Nicholas wonders up To Ollivanders when he gets close he hears "Harry...knock knock....Happee Birthday" it was Hagrid giving Harry his snowy Owl Hedwig. " now I see what was taking so long" Nicholas said. As Harry left the twins followed a few minutes later. "We got our wands" said Sophie. "Good now you need robes, books, and supplies." Perry said. They got their books and supplies now it was time to get their robes. That would be a challenge because Harry and Draco were in the shop talking and the twins knew they couldn't interact or it would mean the books got screwed up. " what's the hold up" asked Billy. He looked inside "oh I see hide". They were standing in plain site but blended in with the people in the alley. " that works too" Billy said. They both left the shop now was their chance they went in and got measured. After their measuring they met up with the rest of the gang. They drove their car to the hotel because tomorrow the train leaves for Hogwarts.

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