Train Ride and Dark Times

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On the train they over heard Harry Potter was put on trial for the use of magic in front of a muggle. And that Dumbledore helped him explain it to the court.

"Hiya Harry" Josh said. "Josh we haven't talked in a while. How's Hogwarts been" he asked. "Well probably the same way yours has been. Like a new danger every year. That danger gets stronger every year." answered Josh. "Well I'll be seeing ya Josh" Harry said. "Bye Harry"said Josh.

As They approaches Hogwarts. They could tell darkness was approaching fast. They could feel that this year wasn't gonna be like any other.

As they sat down with the first years they could feel an elephant in the room. As Dumbledore walked up to his podium to give his speech you could tell that he was still depressed from last year.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. As you all know Voldemort is at large and the minister of magic doesn't believe that he is back. But let me introduce your new Defence against the dark arts teacher Dolores bitchface." *cough* "I mean Dolores Umbridge." "I don't get paid enough for this." said Dumbledore under his breath. Umbridge decided to give a long speech. Everyone was asleep by the time she was done. Even Dumbledore was asleep. Sophie, Josh, Ron, and Hermione lead the students to the common room as prefects. They went inside the common room and fell asleep

Harry Potter and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelWhere stories live. Discover now