Snooping Around

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With the attack on the bridge in London everyone is worried about starting school this year. Sophie and Dalton have gotten closer over the summer and the same with Josh and Silvia. Silvia now speaks perfect English or close to it per say. Her accent still sticks out sometimes.

The twins are on a windy street with Newt following the niffler he "accidentally" set loose to teach the twins more about them. They happen to see two hooded figures walking up to a house that appears to be slanted slightly. "Come in" said a mysterious voice. Sophie, Josh, and Newt couldn't see who said it. They got closer to see what was going on and saw three people siting in the living room talking about something.

"What is it that you want Palamedes" said the mysterious voice. "You need to make the unbreakable vow with Lolli. You need to watch over her daughter this year at Hogwarts. John Dee wants her to become a follower". Palamedes said. " Are you going to Perform it yourself or is someone else going to perform it." said the mysterious voice. "But sir.. I could.." Palamedes started before interrupted by the voice. "No you are old and crazy i want Risfell to perform it. Now call him. All it takes it the tattoo you have on your left arm. It looks like a spiral with eyes in it. Not the one that looks like a triangle with a circle in it with a side ways crescent moon under it. That's Dees don't put your wand against it. " Said the mysterious voice. "Ok what ever you say Hanson". Said Palamedes.

He pressed the tattoo and it started to ripple. He was summoned and will be there in a few minutes the twins assumed. "Now he looks familiar. The end of last year in the ministry of magic he was one of the followers." Josh said.
"What's an unbreakable vow uncle Newt?" Sophie asked. "Well ya see it's hard to explain but if you break it you die." Newt said.

They saw a black figure appear in the sky and flash in the building. "You called me. Why I was in the middle of tormenting someone. And I got a new filler as well. They are under the imperious curse." Risfell said. "We need you to do the unbreakable vow. Hanson thinks I'm to old and crazy to do it." Palamedes said. "Well... he's not wrong. Plus I'm more experienced in it. Who are we doing it to. " Risfell asked. "Mrs. Dare and myself." Hanson said. " Let it begin. Lolli and Hanson grab each other's arms and turn them slightly. Do you Hanson swear to watch over Virginia. Do you swear....." he said as doing the unbreakable vow. As he finished up a figure appeared in the corridor. It was Prometheus. "I found this beast rummaging through Mrs.Dares Jewelry case." He said.

It was the niffler. He was suddenly flying through the air and came out the window. Newt put him back in the case and we left before they could see what was out the window.

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