Time to Take Action.

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They used the floo network in the common room. They were in the ministry in minutes. "Ok josh we're did you see Dee at. "Right here" Josh said. Just then they heard a voice from all directions. "Do you really think that I am easily defeated now that I have my own body. Do you think that two new friends will stop me. Do you think..." Dee said. "Alright we get it can we just get on with the fight." Sophie said. Just as they were about to begin they saw a lady wearing pink walking by. It was fucking Umbridge. They froze her and sent her through the floo network to the dungeons at Hogwarts.

"Now let us begin". Just as they were drawing their wands some of Dees followers arrived. "Do you think I came alone. I learned my lesson. 12 years in Askaban before I could transfer to another body Quirll with Voldemort. Then I got my body 3 years after that. Do you think that I didn't have followers." Dee said. As the battle began. Spells were being cast left and right. Hitting them and hitting the gang. The twins crossed the beams of f the spell against Dees. It was holding out for a long time. "Come on this way everyone" said a voice from behind everyone. "Oh shit we have to move" Nick said. "But... we can't.... if we let go then we'll be thrown back." Josh said.

"Ok. We got to go... omg Sophie... Josh.... what are you... Harry looked over and saw another wizard. "We have to help them" Harry said. "There's no time we have to stop them from getting the prophecy."
Hermione said. "Harry come on they can handle it I'm sure they didn't come alone." Ron said. " I know I would come alone before I met you all." said Luna. They entered the door with the prophecies. And it locked behind them. The battle between Sophie, Josh, and Dee finally stops. Now it's just spell after spell after spell.
As everyone is back on the main floor firing spells at each other. On the other end of the hall they see Harry, Dumbledore and Voldemort battling. They remember when learning the memory charm that friendship always wins. Dee and his followers apparate out of the ministry as Fudge comes in and sees
Dee leaving and Voldemort. " there back? He's back." He said.

Everything works out in the end. As they pack there bags to go home for the summer they are realizing that they only have 2 years left at Hogwarts. As they board the train and sit down in the big Vip section. Nick is talking about the consequences of what happened at the ministry. " Do you realize that we are now going to be in the Harry Potter books because of this right. We might even be seen in the movie because our battle was happening behind Harry's." Nick said. " we will wait and see when the book and movie comes out. Which won't happen till a few years from now."
Josh said. "Besides what's the worst that can happen. Ae are probably mentioned that's it. Harry continued with his task he didn't help us. So it's not that fucked up. It's now as bad as you think Nick." Sophie said. "We will just wait and see" said Nick.

End of year 5

Harry Potter and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelWhere stories live. Discover now