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Payal stood near the enterance of her Maternal Home in a nervous wreck

"We need to do this anyway Arnavji, There's no way in hell I'm going to let you back off at this stage" Payal said

"Payal, Go inside-" Arnav said

"And you follow!" Payal literally ordered

"Payal you--" Arnav protested

"Please Arnav Bhai... You know Khushi needs you" Payal insisted

"I- I can't Payal.. I can't.. How will I explain these three days to her Payal? I am scared Payal.. I can't see hatred in her eyes." Arnav confessed

"Bhai.. We're going to deal with it." Payal said desperately

"And the family??

"You've always had the knack of convincing people to do the impossibe. Besides.. Its just Buaji and Bauji. Deep down, Khushi knows there's another reason that is holding you back" Payal confided

Arnav looked at her startled

"She always used to say both your hearts beat as one. That is how it works doesn't it, She always knew the real you. However hard you try hiding behind the arrogant ASR's mask, Khushi will always find a way to bring her Arnavji back. She has done it numerous times in the past hasn't she?" Payal questioned

'I don't-" Arnav started  again but was cut off. Yet again by his sister in law

"You really don't seem to have a choice Mr. Raizada, Either you come in right now, Or regret not doing the same all your freakin' life" Payal warned in an Oh-so-intimidating manner and stormed off inside Gomti Sadan

"There's not really the possibility an or Here" Arnav whispered defeated and followed her inside

Arnav stepped on the entrance of the house and was surprised to see the house drowned in an uncomfortable silence. Of course, The breath of this house was sad, How could the house be happy and burstling with sounds

Arnav took a deep calming breath and entered the Living room of the house. Payal and him shared a quick glance and the former nodded encouragingly at the latter as the inhabitants of the house gasped in shock at the sudden appearance of their once beloved.. Damadji

"Arnav Singh Raizada!!" Madhumati  exclaimed

Though he hadn't expected any better of a reaction, But it still hurt to be called formally by your almost second family

"Buaji.." Arnav said and moved forward to touch her feet

"Kauno jaroorat naahi hai Raizada saahab (There's no need for all this Mr. Raizada)" Madhumati said as she withdrew her foot from his reach


"No Payal, I told you this earlier. Its my fault and as you said I need to correct my mistakes on my own, So let me do this my way" Arnav cut Payal off

"So you realized your mistake Did you Raizada? That was quick!!" Shashi exclaimed

"Bhai... How are you here? I thought you had come for an important work" Akash asked

"There is nothing more important to me than Khushi, Whom I admit I've given immense pain. But have loved nonetheless" Arnav said

"You.. love her?? You love Khushi?? How long ago did you even realize that Mr. Raizada?? today morning? yesterday night? When exactly, After ruining my daughter's life did you realize that you love her?" Shashi asked angrily

"Bauji, I-I never-"

"Don't you dare Raizada! I'm not your Bauji!!! Just hers." Shashi declared.

Arnav smiled sadly,

"I can't apologize to you enough for what I've done to your daughter. I am really sorry. I know.. I can't be forgiven that easily. I've always hurt her, Due to my irrational and immature behavior. And I accept it Bauji. I never expected you to forgive me Bauji. But I'm sorry. I really am." Arnav apologized

"Will your apology bring back the days she has spent weeping her eyes out? If so.. We'll forgive you. But Sadly, That isn't possible" Madhumati said

"Buaji.. Khushi needs him. For her own sanity. He needs her, For almost the same reason too" Payal said firmly.

"Are you.. By any chance defending him Payal?" Akash asked in disbelief.

Payal sighed deeply.

"Yes.. Akash. I am defending him" Payal confirmed

"You don't need to Payal. I need to correct my mistakes on my own" Arnav said firmly

"I would've happily let you do it Arnav Bhai... If it were your fault" Payal countered

"You.. Were with Arnav, Weren't you Payal?" Garima asked. Taking part in the conversation for the first time

Payal looked at her as if startled at her sudden intrusion and nodded at her. 

"My daughter doesn't need the support of someone who is habitual of leaving her alone to face the world. She has her family. Her father is now capable enough to take care of his daughter on his own" Shashi spat

Arnav stood stumped at the accusation

"I-I am not.. Habitual of l..leaving her alone B-Bauji" Arnav stuttered

"You have forgotten Raizada.. Don't you remember What had happened at the time of your first marriage? When you had left her alone to deal with the family?" Shashi asked

Arnav shut his eyes in disgust. Of course, How could he forget what hell he had made her go through in the initial period of their marriage. 


"No Payal.. NOT IN THOSE MATTERS!!! IT WAS ENTIRELY MY FAULT!!!" Arnav growled in a whisper

Payal zipped her lips seeing the intense anger in his eyes

"Arnav.. Bhai" Payal whispered scared

Arnav wiped the tears that had rolled down his cheeks and crouched in front of  his father-in-law taking Shashi's hands in his own

So... So so!

An update after so long. Hope you haven't forgotten the story.

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