Chapter 16 [B]

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"Shyam-ji" Khushi's whisper almost startled the two men out of their reveries

"He killed her Arnav.. Arvind Mallik killed my sister" Shyam broke down giving free reign to his tears.

Arnav got up from the bed, sitting next to Shyam he gently touched his shoulder. There was more to the story of this man than what meets the eye and it was totally unfair on their part to judge him unfairly when he hadn't given them any reasons to doubt him for more than two months now.

"Jija-ji" The word rolled out of his mouth before he could check himself causing Shyam to look up at him in surprise.

"I.." Shyam hesitated, Arnav's hand fell back next to his body on instict

"We can.. stop the questions for a while if you'd like. It's not easy to relive your worst memories" Khushi said softly

Shyam smiled "I'm fine Khushi-ji, I think we should get over with this once and for all.. I have much explaining to do." He said

Khushi forwarded a glass of water to Shyam and gestured him to drink the contents, Shyam took a deep breath before resuming his story

"Arvind Mallik was an important part of our lives for years, My father already adored him for his 'Honesty' He always treated him more than a son, Trusted him with everything from office to home, His files, His accounts, His.. Daughter! Arvind had been patient with Jiji, It was as if he was truly in love with her. He never tried to force himself on Jiji, He waited and waited for her to trust him and knowing the kind of person that Jiji was it took a hell lot of patience, But then it finally happened. He was thirty Seven then, Jiji was head over heels in love with him, He was enjoying using my sister to the fullest in the name of love." Shyam licked his lips to moisten them

"It went on this way, for two years." Shyam said after a long period of silence "but the truth was bound to come out one day"

Arnav and Khushi were almost stunned into silence, Their hands entwined together as they heard the tale of the horrid man who was unfortunately related to them. Arnav snapped his eyes shut, Khushi's grip on his tightened on instinct as they both foresaw what was about to happen next

"A few days prior to the day of Anjali's Roka Ceremony, Jiji saw your family in the market, Mrs. Mallik, I mean your grandmother, Your mother and Anjali was out for shopping and for some reason, Arvind Mallik was accompanying them too. Jiji was in a hurry and thus decided that she will confront Arvind about it later that day when they were planning to meet for dinner."

Diksha was waiting for Arvind on the terrace of the of the most luxurious restaurant of Lucknow. Arvind had made special arrangements for the dinner-date and thus the whole terrace was booked on his name just for the two of them, It was nothing new, as each of their outings were done in a similar fashion. Diksha was skimming through the menu when Arvind entered the terrace.

"Hey love"

"Hey there" Diksha replied lost in thought.

"What happened? You look like you're not here" Arvind asked settling in front of her on the table and taking her hands in his own.

"Umm.. Nothing important, Just the office getting on my nerves now a days and added to that you seem to be busier than ever." Diksha complained.

"It's tough managing between the family and work at times, There's this new project coming up and I was preparing for it for more than a week now and.. Well Baba isn't keeping too well either" Arvind lied effortlessly

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