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Update Dedicated to MitalChauhan8

Khushi sat on the bed, Her eyes fixed at a point in the distance. “What’s running in your head?” She heard his voice, closer than she had perceived it to be causing her to flinch.

No..Nothing. I.. Don't scare me Arnav-ji!” Khushi scolded him

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, But you weren't paying attention to me.” Arnav almost pouted.

I was.. I zoned out. I'm sorry, What were you saying?” Khushi asked, turning to Arnav.

Breakfast. Come, It's your favourite Aloo-Poori.” Arnav made a plate for her.

Khushi's eyes brightened, looking at the plate filled with her favourite food.

Arnav made a morsel for her and asked her to open her mouth.

Did you have your breakfast?” Khushi asked.

Later” Arnav answered feeding her another morsel.

“No later,” Khushi tore a bite of the poori and made a morsel “Have it.

Arnav smiled, opening his mouth. “What have I done to deserve you Khushi?” He asked.

Khushi shrugged. “Who knows.” She grinned.

Jija-ji wanted us to come downstairs, He wants to show us something.” Arnav informed her.

Khushi frowned, “I don't know what it is, though.” Arnav spoke before Khushi could.

Khushi nodded.

It had been two weeks since the confrontation had taken place, Devyaani Raizada had been made aware of whatever was going on in the house behind the lady's back, although shocked at the events. She had understood her grandson's fears and supported him.

What more can I ask for when my whole family is happy and united and upon that, My grandchildren are giving me such a big happiness in the form of this child. I'm very happy for the two of you chotte and Khushi bitiya. May god bless you!!” Devyani Raizada had blessed the soon-to-be parents with all her heart. Her eyes reflecting her ecstacy at being able to see her family happy.

Subhadra Devi Mallik had, on getting to know about Khushi's pregnancy thrown a huge fit which didn't come as a surprise to any of the family members.

Is this why you've brought her backin this house Arnav? For this baby?She had asked angrily pointing a finger at Khushi who was trembling.

"Has she told you that this is your baby?" She asked

Arnav took her in his arms, rubbing her back muttering sweet nothings to her, trying to calm his wife down.

God knows who's baby it might be, that she's claiming to be yours.Venom dripped from her every word.

Khushi's grip on Arnav's front tightened, tears rolling down her cheeks, harshly clawing his heart in the process.

I don't want to hear another f***ng word come out of your mouth for my Khushi or my babyArnav warned dangerously still holding a sobbing Khushi close to himself.

What wrong have I said, Can't even imagine how many beds..

Arnav boiled in rage hearing the words, so much so that he let go of Khushi in a jerk and in other was standing directly in front of the vile woman, his hand raised in mid-air ready to slap Subhadra Devi Mallik.

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