Chapter- 17

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Update demanded by AryaARshi & suryakavi0912 & MitalChauhan8

"Don't worry about Khushi, I've been keeping a watch on her for a long time now. Mrs. Mallik won't dare cross her and if she does, She'll face both ASR and.. DK" Shyam said firmly

"That doesn't sound like a good combination." Khushi said

"It isn't trust me." Shyam assured with a wink

A few minutes later, Anjali and Payal entered the house only to see Shyam and Arnav sitting in the hall

What took you people so long?” Arnav asked not looking up from his phone.

I had my Ultrasound scheduled for today, It was bound to take time.” Anjali explained “At least look at me when I'm talking, What makes you so engrossed in your phone?

Arnav looked up with a sheepish smile. “I had some last minute mailing to do, Sorry

Anjali chuckled and settled next to her brother. “I haven't seen much of you lately, What's keeping you so occupied that you forgot your family?” She asked

I can't forget you or my family in any circumstances. I was busy with things.” Arnav said

And the said things, being?” Anjali asked, Just then Arnav heart a loud shattering sound coming from the kitchen where Khushi had gone to get herself a glass of water. Arnav jerked up from his seat as he heard a loud angry scream of his grandmother


Arnav along with Shyam and Payal ran in the direction of the sound with Anjali following behind.

The scene that met their eyes made the two men and one woman go red in anger while the second woman stood confused.

Subhadra Devi Mallik was holding Khushi's wrist in a tight grip while trying to drag her out of the kitchen while Khushi tried to wriggle out of her hold

Dadi-ji.. You're hurting me!!” She cried.

Let go of her right this instance!!” Shyam screamed angrily causing Subhadra to loosen her hold on Khushi's hand and look at him wide-eyed.

Arnav at once ran to his Khushi and got hold of her wrists, “You okay Khushi?” His voice quivered with concern. Khushi gulped before nodding. "I'm sorry Jaan"

"It wasn't your fault Arnav-ji" Khushi assured. Arnav got the ice-packs from the refrigerator and applied it on Khushi's bruised wrist.

"Khushi-ji, What are you doing here all of a sudden?" Anjali asked but didn't get an answer


How dare you try to touch her Mrs. Mallik?” Shyam and Arnav asked in perfect synchronization

What is she doing in this house?” Subhadra asked.

This is exactly where she's supposed to be, This is her house.” Arnav announced making both Subhadra Devi Mallik and Anjali surprised. One pleasantly, While the other,  Not so pleasantly

You didn't marry her that day Arnav, Do I need to remind you that you didn't come at the altar on your wedding day?” Subhadra asked sarcastically

You need not to remind me of anything Mrs. Mallik, I remember perfectly what had happened that day and the days that followed. Khushi is, was, and always will be my wife. Whether you like it or not.” Arnav said firmly “Our relationship doesn't need the validation of the Saath-Pheras, Because I've already made every one of the seven sacred promises to her and she has too.

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