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Khushi closed her eyes, Her hold tightened on Arnav's hand. Arnav squeezed her hand in assurance.

Relax. Everything is going to be fine.” He whispered trying to ease her fears. After three whole days, ArShi were standing on the doorstep of Bhoomika Rudra Kashyap Searching for some answers.

Making use of all of his will power Arnav pressed the doorbell and stood waiting for the door to be opened, Hoping fervently that they don't have to leave empty handed from here as well.

The door was opened by a man in his late forties.

Who is it that you want to meet?” He asked politely

Mrs. Bhoomika Kashyap.” Arnav answered curtly

And who should I say you are?” the man questioned

Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Singh Raizada.” He answered

Very well. Please come in.” Saying this the man went inside leaving ArShi to make their way into the side.

Please have a seat, I'll inform madam about your arrival.” He said gesturing to a comfortable looking couch.

Sab theek hai! (Everything's fine!)” ArShi whispered to each other in unison and smiled realizing the coincidence.

Mrs. Kashyap, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada and his wife are here to meet you.” He informed

ASR is here?

Make them sit Carl, Offer them refreshments. We'll be downstairs in a minute.” Answered Mrs. Kashyap

Carl nodded and made his way downstairs.

Why would he be here?” Bhoomika mused to herself

Bhoomika descended the stairs

Hello there.” She greeted the lost couple with a full blown smile.

Arnav and Khushi jumped to their feet as a reflex action.

Uh-oh. Sorry to startle you like that. Please sit down.”  She said softly

Arnav smiled and bent to take Bhoomika's blessings along with Khushi. She blessed the couple wholeheartedly keeping her hands on both their heads and then the three took seats.

Mam.. I-I

How can I help you bacche? (Child)” Bhoomika asked

We.. want to know the truth of the night of curse.” Arnav said

The night of curse?” Bhoomika had gone completely pale at the mere mention

I cannot help you ASR!” Her voice turned cold.

Please Mrs. Kashyap. This is really important” Arnav requested

I said I cannot help you. I do not entertain guests who probe into my past like that” She said firmly.

I know.. the past has not been kind to you. I know what losing a family means, Please help us, I know its tormenting to go back and… recollect the happenings, But it's important for us to know what had happened.” Khushi pleaded with her.


You are our last hope Bua Maa. Please help your Doll.. Your Khushi.. Please.” Khushi whispered softly

Bhoomika stared at Khushi shocked as well as overwhelmed with emotion.

You.. my doll? Bhaiyya's..?” Bhoomika cupped her face

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