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Shyam entered his room, And saw Anjali talking to their unborn she had lovingly taken to calling “Raaj-Kumari” (Princess) A small smile graced his lips and he moved closer to her and sat on the other side of the bed.

“You're here” Anjali whispered

“Yes.. What were the two of you talking about? Was mumma complaining about Daddy to our Raaj-Kumari?” Shyam asked humorously. Dropping a kiss in her hair.

Nothing like that Shyaam-ji” Anjali said.

So.. Then?

I was telling Princess that I saw Khushi-ji at the temple today, She was done with her prayers when I went there so we didn't have a real conversation.. But she looked strangely calm & was glowing, Although she was looking a little upset.” Anjali told him.

Shyam nodded. Upset?

Are you alright Shyam-ji?” Anjali's concerned voice reached him “You look tensed

Shyam sighed, His eyes softening as he took in the concern shining in her beautiful eyes for him, She knew him so well. And yet..

It's nothing Raani-Saheba, I'm just a little distracted.” He confessed.

Can I help you with something?” She asked

Not really, You can't. Arnav is being stubborn as usual, Not even confiding in you anymore. Is he home today?” Shyam asked

No.. He's not, He said he'll be late.” Anjali said. “I don't know what he's up-to now a days

He's got work Raani-Saheba, He barely has time for his own self” Shyam explained.

You're always there to defend him, Without even knowing what he's actually up-to.” Anjali said shaking her head.

That's not true. Leave him alone for a while, He's your brother and if he's not confiding in you.. There's got to be a serious reason for that, You know he would never do that otherwise.” Shyam said

Yeah, He wouldn't do that otherwise.” She sighed in defeat.

Raani-Saheba, If I ask you for something.. Will you give me?” Shyam asked holding her hand in his

Anjali frowned “What.. What do you need Shyam-ji?” She asked confused

I really love you Raani-Saheba.. You know that right?” Shyam asked softly

Of course I do, What's wrong Shyam-ji” Anjali cupped his face

Just promise me.. That you'll never hate me, Never hate my choices, Promise me that you'll try to understand me and the situation I was in. And just ask me once for an explanation, You're my only family, Promise me Anjali that you'll never leave me alone no matter what happens!!” Shyam said, His eyes shone with unshed tears.

Anjali looked at him confused as well as scared, There weren't many days he was vulnerable, There weren't many occasions when Anjali got to witness this side of her husband. The last time he was this vulnerable was when she had told him the news of her being pregnant, It was as if she saw a whole new person that day, Her Shyam-ji.

I promise… That i will never..  leave you alone” Anjali said softly trying to put his worries at ease

Just in time, Arnav bitwa now you only handle your Sankadevi, She's acting like a child and refusing to have her dinner” Bua-ji complained coming out of Khushi's room with a plate of food in her hands.

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