Chapter 16 [C]

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"Why did you.. do this to mumma? What had she done to deserve death?" Arnav struggled to speak as the memory of his mother's death swam in front of his eyes.

Maa was present in that room with Arvind and Mr. Sumit Vardhaan, Mr. Vardhaan was a friend of Papa and Mr. Vardhaan were friends. He was the head of Kharbanda Corp's legal team, Baba had sent him to Arvind's house to settle some formalities of the end of a Joint venture Arvind and Kharbandas had together. They were discussing the same when Papa went in that room with the intention of confronting Arvind Mallik. To Ask for an explanation. A reason good enough to explain Jiji's death. But all we got, was his laughter!! He laughed like a mad-man on hearing about my sister's death. Her suicide!! He was not affected even the slightest bit by the fact that HE, YOUR FATHER was the reason my sister died!! He told papa that she was the easiest prey that he came across over the years!! He termed her as an emotional fool. She was.. maybe, But it was all because of him!! He had turned jiji into an emotional fool. He laughed and laughed and laughed for what felt like hours and it was unbearable Arnav!! The sound of his laughter, It still echoes in my ears at times and It makes me nauseous!! I wanted that sound to stop at any cost. It did.. A few minutes later. A few minutes later he stopped mocking my sister's love, A few minutes later.. He stopped mocking Jiji's death. A few minutes later..  But only for a few minutes,” His voice grew solemn

A gunshot echoed in that room and I saw your mother, Falling on the ground, Noiselessly.. With her eyes shut tightly, Tear marks clearly visible on her face. For a few minutes.. Even silence didn't make a noise. Everything stopped for a few minutes. Yes, Your mother didn't deserve to die Arnav, but she chose her death! None of my family wanted Ratna Mallik to die that day, But she.. she couldn't take the treachery. Jiji had loved that man for a mere five years and she had died on getting to know about Arvind Mallik's vile deeds, Your mother was with him for almost 20 years. She was.. She was his wife. I know that it.. really sounds like cowardice on her part. She left this world unmindful of the consequences, Anjali's wedding was called off, You were orphaned.” He continued

My father bent on his knees at once and reached for Ratna Mallik's wrist to feel her pulse, But it was not there. She was lying there dead minutes after she had shot herself. We didn't want that Arnav, We didn't want Ratna Mallick to die that night!! She chose it. We couldn't foresee her actions even in our wildest dreams. My father wasn't a cold-blooded murderer. He was just a father. A father who.. was consumed by the death of his daugter He didn't even want to kill Arvind but the mockery that he made of.. of his daughter's love, Her death, He couldn't take it anymore. You understand me right?” Shyam asked with a hint of pleading in his voice. A pleading to understand the reason behind his no scratch that, his father's actions.

And.. then you went on killing.. Mr. Mallik??” Khushi asked

We would've hesitated, Only if Arvind Mallik would've shown any signs of remorse. But.. you know what he did instead? He laughed. He started laughing again!!! He didn't care about the fact that his wife's corpse was lying just centimetres away from him. He didn't care that he was responsible for two women's deaths. He didn't care that he was the father of a daughter who was about to get married. He simply started laughing again and this time, The bullet hit It's aim!! It killed the right person.” Shyam exhaled satisfied.


Khushi's.. family? What.. about them?” Arnav asked

Shyam's eyes softened at Khushi, “My family used her father and I used her for my selfishness.” A mirthless chuckle left his lips. “You know Khushi I just can't apologise enough for the things I've done to you.


Let's stick to the point though, That explanation will have to wait for now.” Shyam shook his head lightly as if shaking off something.

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