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In this plot, No kidnapping track took place.

Arnav was sitting in his office, Typing furiously on his laptop, His eyes trained upon the screen when he heard a knock.

"Come in" He said, not removing his gaze from his laptop.

"Good Morning" Aman greeted politely, Arnav looked up at him with a million questions swimming in his chocolate eyes.

"Do you have something?" Arnav asked hopefully, Aman sighed.

"I'm sorry Arnav, There is nothing I can tell you at the moment. Our sources are doing their best, But it seems this guy knows how to keep his identity a secret" Aman said.

"It's been a month, How much longer do I have to wait?" Arnav asked exasperated

"I know that you're desperate for news Arnav, But it seems we'll have to wait for Mr. Kharbanda to show himself. We've tried everything and there's no development so far. Dheeraj Kharbanda is purposely avoiding us Arnav and he's just as powerful in his area of work as us." Aman said sadly.

"My patience is running low every passing day Aman, It's been a month!!" Arnav exclaimed.

"I'm really sorry Arnav. How are things at home?" Aman asked.

"Surprisingly peaceful." Arnav answered "But we all know It's just a facade."

"Did Shyam try to do anything?" Aman asked.

"No, and that is what scares me the most!! He's behaving like this perfect husband, Taking care of Di.. Waking up in the middle of the night to make her pancakes, I'm scared Aman because I have no idea what he's up to now!!" Arnav said softly, His eyes mirroring every emotion he was going through.

"That's a surprise, I hadn't expected him to keep the facade intact for so long. Going by Bhabhi's account, I had expected him to react to her absence." Aman said surprised.

"Exactly Aman. So.. far, Shyam has done nothing to make me doubt him. I don't know what the truth is, I.. don't know anything." Arnav exclaimed rubbing his temple

"You do believe Khushi Bhabhi right?" Aman asked

"Yes Aman.. She had told me about the confrontation of Her and Shyam that night.. I don't have any reasons not to trust her. But.. after that confrontation, Shyam never gave me even one reason to doubt him!! It's all so confusing considering that Shyam is best friends with my grand-mother.. I can't trust him. I can't trust them. I.. don't trust them!" Arnav said in exasperation.

Aman sighed.

"I don't know if Khushi is safe with the two of them around or not.. I don't know if they can be trusted or not. I don't want Khushi to be hurt Aman."

"You don't love Lavanyaji?" Khushi asked innocently

"No I don't Khushi, Whatever you're assuming is utter nonsense!!" Arnav exclaimed

"Then why did you marry me.. For.. For six months?" She asked

Arnav seemed to have woken up from a slumber. The terror that he felt running down his spine on reading her letter and seeing her standing on the edge of the wall left him all at once hearing her query. The mask of indifference re-appeared on him. He closed his eyes, Teeth gritted.

"Tell me" He heard her pleading voice, He turned his back on her and started moving away.

"Tell me Arnavji. Why did you marry me? Do I not have any right to know what caused you to take such a drastic decision of our lives all by yourself??" Khushi asked holding him by his arm

"You want to know why I married you the way I did? Alright then I'll tell you, Because I know how much of a cheat you are!! Because I know that you are in a relationship with my brother-in-law under my nose, I married you so that I could keep the two of you away from each other. You will never be able to demolish my sister's world till I'm alive." He bellowed at her and stormed off leaving her shell shocked.

"Arnav-ji!!!" She screamed a few minutes later succumbing to tears.

"Khushi-ji" She snapped out of her trance hearing a familiar voice. She was sitting on the steps of the temple, A few tears ran down her cheeks

"Are you alright Khushi-ji?" The concerned voice of Anjali reached her ears.

"Ji.. Anjaliji. I'm fine" Khushi assured her wiping her tears

"Did I.. disturb you?" Anjali asked

"N-No You didn't."

"I wasn't expecting to see you here" She whispered softly.

"I can't run for the whole of my life Anjali-ji. If this is the city which gave me pain, This is the city where I found my happiness too!!" Khushi said.

"You were looking lost" Anjali said

"I was.. just thinking, about life, About everything that happened in the last few months. I'm really surprised I survived everything!!" Khushi sighed, Her mind drifting back to the night she met Arnav in Sheesh-Mahal and every other love-hate moment that conspired between the two of them.

"I.. I really can't apologise enough for what Arnav did to you Khushi-ji-" Anjali sighed.

"It's no one's fault Anjali-ji" Khushi interjected not wanting Anjali to misunderstand Arnav.

"I see you're done with your prayers." She said noticing her Puja-Thaal.

"Yeah.. I'm done. Actually, I was feeling a little weak so I thought to sit here for a while more." Khushi said.

Anjali nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm much better now. I.. should be leaving" Khushi said softly. "It was nice to talk to you Anjali-ji."

"It was good to see you moving on from your past." Anjali said softly.

My exams are over. And damnn this update was literally nagging my brain. I drafted half of the update at 3 in the morning and it was..

If there is something that you don't understand. Feel free to ask.

In this plot, No kidnapping track took place.

I think.. This story will be a little confusing and won't last very long as well. But I hope that with every update I am able to clear any confusions that crop up in your minds.

Feel free to ask anything




Let me know what you think is going to happen next.


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