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The house was decorated majestically, It was the Baby Shower ceremony of the sister of Arnav Singh Raizada, Along with his own Mehendi Ceremony. Arnav was busy sulking about the fact that he wasn't allowed to be a part of his own sister's baby-shower ceremony, While Anjali was sitting surrounded by the ladies being showered with gifts and blessings for her "Raaj-kumari"

"Anjali Bitiya, Tumhaare Shyam -ji hai? Dikh nahi rahe. (Anjali dear, Where is your Shyam -ji? I didn't see him)" Asked one of the neighbour women

"He's not here Aunty-ji" Anjali said quietly

"It's a woman's function Nirmala. Damad-ji can not be present here" Subhadra Devi said

"Our Damad-ji is like Krishna, He would have found a way to be with his Raani-Saheba and his baby on their special day." Said another woman

Shyam smiled hearing the words of the woman and hid behind a pillar gazing at his wife's sad demeanour. "I'm so sorry Anjali" He whispered.

Anjali excused herself from the crowd and Khushi escorted her towards the sofa telling her to rest there till she returns with something for her to eat.

Shyam sighed satisfactorily and moved to a place from where Anjali could notice him more easily.

"Shyam-ji" Anjali half-squealed seeing Shyam standing by the pillar, Shyam gestured to keep quiet and pointed towards his phone indicating that he was going to call her. Anjali nodded and held her phone in her hands

"How are you?" His soft voice quivered with emotions.

"I'm fine.. How are you?" Anjali almost sobbed into her phone hearing his voice after what felt like an eternity.

"Don't cry Raani-Saheba.. I'm here today. I couldn't miss your baby shower right?" He said making a full blown smile grace her lips.

"I.. missed you" Anjali confessed

"I missed you too Raani-Saheba, Come to the poolside from your room. I'm waiting for you, We don't have much time" Shyam instructed her.

Anjali agreed. Shyam at once left towards Anjali's room.

"Anjali the wires are short-circuited! You'll get electrocuted, Don't touch the-" Shyam screamed running towards her panic-stricken, His words dying in his throat as he took in Anjali's condition.

Anjali's feet were bleeding, Tears were running down her cheeks, She held the stairway to stop herself from falling only to be thrown backwards by the force of the electric shock.

"ANJALI!!" Shyam screamed aghast, adrenaline fuelled the movement of his legs and he pulled Anjali against his chest Her sole weight on him shifting suddenly made him lose his balance, He rolled down the stairs, Shielding Anjali from any potential harm by wrapping his arms around her body.

Arnav and the rest of the family members who had reached the stairs, stood paralysed seeing the scene in front of them, There was shyam, With his arms wrapped securely around Anjali, breathing laboured and blood dripping from his head, bruises on his arms

"Di" Arnav breathed, crouching in front of Shyam who was still holding an unconscious Anjali close to himself.

"Damad-ji" Nani-ji gasped.

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