Chapter- 14

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The next Morning, A knock on their door disturbed the sleep of Shyam and Anjali.

Anjali groaned burying herself into her pillow, Shyam chuckled at his wife's childish behaviour and got up to open the door. Opening the door, He gritted his teeth seeing Subhadra Devi Malik standing in front of him.

Yes.” Shyam's cold voice almost made Subhadra Devi flinch, but she composed herself quickly and forwarded a glass of milk towards him.

I wanted to give Anjali this milk.” Subhadra explained the purpose of her visit. Shyam took the glass of milk and walked inside the room, Subhadra followed.

Where is HP?” He asked turning towards the bathroom

That Payal sent him to buy fresh vegetables, Where are you taking the milk keep it on the table.” Subhadra said confused at his sudden change in track.

I know what I'm doing Dadi-ji.” Shyam said distaste dripping from his voice and went into the bathroom to drain the milk into the basin

What are you doing?” Subhadra asked wide-eyed seeing his actions.

Shyam ignored her question and went out of his room gesturing her to follow him

You didn't have to bring the milk if HP was unavailable.” Shyam said

Why did you drain the milk like that?” Subhadra asked

Shyam gave her a DO-I-NEED-TO-TELL-YOU look

I couldn't risk it, knowing the extent to which you can stoop.” Shyam shrugged nonchalantly.

She's my Grand-Daughter Damad-ji. She's pregnant, and needs the care of her family at this time. ” Subhadra said.

Oh please. You don't have to pretend to care all of a sudden, I know exactly what you're capable of doing, Besides Anjali has her family to take care of her. You don't need to show your concern.” Shyam stated stolidly


Yeh bilkul mat sochiyega ki aapne jo kiya mein woh sab kuch bhool gaya hoon, Door rahiye Anjali se warna mujhse bura koi nahi hoga! (Don't you assume that I've forgotten what you've done, Stay away from Anjali or you'll see the worst of me!!) ” Shyam warned her.

A smirk appeared on Subhadra's face.

You're so proud of your doings, Aren't you Mrs. Malik?” Shyam asked sarcastically, She shrugged.

My sources tell me that you tried to kill Anjali by tempering with the brakes of her car, Months ago. Is that correct?” Subhadra asked feigning curiosity.

Yes it is.

When you could do this, When you could plan to kill her, Why do you care if I do the same?” Subhadra asked confused

Anjali.. is your Grand-Daughter! How could the thought of causing her any harm even cross your mind?” Shyam asked flasbaggered

You want to know why I tempered with the wiring that day on Anjali's Baby-Shower? Because I wanted to stop Arnav and Khushi's marriage, If everything would have gone as per my plan, Anjali would've lost her baby and the marriage would at the very least have been postponed, It could buy me time to convince Arnav not to marry that Vardhaan's daughter, but it seems even the fate was on my side as after you saved Anjali.. I saw Garima and I was presented with yet another way to stop this marriage.” Subhadra smirked evilly

What would you have done if someone other than Anjali was there? What if Arnav had become the target of your plan? Or Khushi?” Shyam asked exasperated. .

Well.. Khushi was the so called Bride, If she had become the target of my plans, The marriage would've cancelled for sure! Her father was the reason for my son's death, I couldn't care any less, If she had died What more could I have asked for? It's such a pity, that it didn't happen that way!!” Subhadra said sadly

What if Anjali had.. What if she had died?” Shyam asked stupefied

I was careful, The worst that could happen was that Anjali would've been injured. She's my Arvind's elder daughter, I wouldn't have let her die.” Subhadra said nonchalantly.

I can't believe someone can be so heartless, No wait, I actually can!” Shyam started in a surprised tone, His voice turning strangely anguished towards the end.

Subhadra looked at Shyam confused, Shyam shook his head “You won't understand, and I don't find it worth my time to explain anything to a woman like you!” He said dismissively and walked away from her.

Don't try to be a part of Anjali's life. She does not say anything, but it's definitely awkward for the siblings to witness your “Fake care” all of a sudden after so many years, bearing in mind that you had abandoned them when they needed you the most” Shyam said solemnly.

It's short. But it's kind of important for it to be because.. If I had added anything to it, The update would've been a mess.

Any confusions cleared? I don't know if the explaination of why planned that accident made any sense to you or not, But this is it.

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