Chapter- 19 [last]

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It's been a crazy day” Arnav said settling beside Khushi on the bed.

Right, One hell of a crazy day. DK & Shyam, Who would've guessed” Khushi spoke

I.. don't know.. Not me.” Arnav confessed

Khushi smiled snuggling closer to him, “Not me either.” She whispered

You have an appointment with the gynaecologist tomorrow at 9:00 AM” Arnav reminded her

I remember, I'll get ready in time.” Khushi said softly.



Why didn't you tell me that you are a lawyer?” Arnav asked softly

I.. didn't think you'd be interested in knowing. I discontinued my practice, because people back home don't accept working women, When I came to Delhi, I didn't get the time to think of continuing my practice amid the financial crisis and our constant clashes. Then the.. contract marriage happened and I.. never got the chance to tell you.” Khushi said

What about now?” Arnav asked “We've been married for more than a month and a half now and you know that I love you, Why didn't you tell me in these months?

I didn't know what you would react like, and the last one month wasn't exactly a bed of roses.” Khushi reasoned.

Arnav sighed, “You thought I'd not approve of it?” He asked.

Khushi shrugged “I wasn't sure. I thought-

Do what you want  to do Khush,” Arnav said cupping her face. “If you want to continue your practice, Why would I object to it?

Khushi's eyes lit up instantly, causing Arnav to smile. “Thank you Arnav-ji

He smiled kissing her nose making her giggle “I love the sound of your giggles” Arnav confessed joining her forehead with his.

And I love you.” Khushi said, Arnav smirked down at her

I know” Arnav pecked her lips pulling her closer “Now close your eyes and go to sleep

Khushi closed her eyes, Her head on her husband's chest, One of her arms wrapped around his torso. Arnav couldn't blink at the picture this little woman in his arms presented, So innocent and adorable yet so arousing, He kissed her forehead and her tummy wishing good-night to both his angels.

I love the two of you so much!!” Arnav mumbled

We love you too Daddy” Khushi imitated a baby voice, looking cuter than ever.

You didn't go to sleep yet?” Arnav tried to act stern

No.. I was enjoying the love that you were showing on me and baby” Khushi said “And I can't miss your confessions for my sleep

Arnav chuckled “You get this confession ten times a day at the least.” He said

Yeah. I know.. But then why do you insist on talking to my sleeping self?” She asked curiously

Because.. When you're awake, There are too many distractions. Like these lips of yours which don't stop moving” He traced her soft lips

And the sound of your laughter, My personal melody” Arnav whispered.

And.. Your anklets.. when you flutter around the house like a butterfly, my little butterfly.” Khushi smiled, burning a deep shade of red

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