Chapter 4 • Weather

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"Burn the bed and the dreams
I've never met
Those wishes were never for granted"

Weather // Novo Amor


"You said you woke up and discovered that he had passed away in his sleep, correct?" the policewoman questions Abby now that she's composed herself.

"Yeah, it was around three in the morning or so when I helped him to the loo for a wee, then we went back to bed. We snogged for a bit then fell back asleep," she says, keeping her eyes on the two paramedics who are placing my covered body onto the stretcher. "I didn't know that would be the last time I-, I didn't expect this to happen so soon. He said he had more time. Why would he lie to me?"

Don't cry, Abs. I'm sorry. I was just trying to spare your feelings. Shit, I hate not being able to comfort you right now. It's killing me. Wait. I'm already dead.

Now is not the time to make jokes, Harry.

"Have you contacted his next of kin?"

"Yeah, I rang his mum. It was horrible," Abby says as if she's reliving it. "So where are you taking him? I want to go. I promised his mum I wouldn't leave him until she got here."

"The paramedics will be taking the body to Saint Bartholomew's until further notice. You're welcome to follow the ambulance if you wish."

The policewoman gives her condolences to Abby and walks out of my bedroom. As the paramedics start wheeling my body out of my bedroom, Abby grabs her phone and purse and follows them.

Wait for me, Abs! I'll go with you. Y'know, I really don't like the fact that you can't hear me, love.

I watch as she makes sure my living room windows are locked and all the lights are turned off. Nodding to herself as if she's mentally crossing off her checklist, she grabs my leather jacket from the closet and puts it on.

I've always liked how that jacket looked on you. Now that I'm gone, I guess you can keep it.

"Okay, here we go," Abby says to herself as she opens the door.

Once we're outside, she locks the deadbolt and we walk down the pathway to her car. It's a beautiful Spring day and it would be even more enjoyable if I were alive, but I guess I'll have to get used to this.

The headlights flash twice, indicating that Abby has unlocked the car and she gets in the driver's side. I reach for the passenger's handle and realize I can just step inside the car.

It's like I'm made of air, yet I can sit down. How is this possible, Abby? It's bloody weird.

As expected, she ignores my concern and puts on her seatbelt before cautiously backing out of the Visitor's space. Under normal circumstances, she'd already have her phone hooked up with the Aux cord to blast her favourite music, but it's silent, except for the sound of her sniffling.

I hate when you cry, Abs. Hey, remember when your goldfish died? We were ten, or eleven, I can't remember, but I told you that it wasn't a big deal cos Goldie was just a fish and you cried your eyes out. I felt so bad that I made a pencil case casket for him and we had a little ceremony in your backyard.

A smile appears on my face because that was the first time we had ever held hands. With the memory alive in my heart, I look over at Abby and my smile fades into a look of panic.

Are you texting while driving? Abigail Judith Tucker, put your phone down right now!

"Shit!" Abby slams on the brakes, stopping just inches away from the car ahead of us. "Oh my God. That was close."

No shit. I never text and drive, my arse.

With both shaky hands on the wheel now, she continues driving on through the green light. Now that I'm in this new realm, time is essentially timeless for me and I'm surprised that Abby has already found a parking spot at the hospital.

A ding from Abby's phone captures our attention and I can't help but look over at the screen. It's a text from my mum saying that she and Gemma are on their way to the hospital and will arrive in about two-and-a-half to three hours.

That's a long time to wait, Abby. I don't know-

I'm cut off by Abby unbuckling herself and getting out of the car, so I follow her lead. She jogs up to the Emergency entrance and I run to catch up, smirking to myself.

I thought you didn't like running. You always tried to get out of Phys Ed. Y'know something, I took those days for granted, love. I'd give anything to go back; to have more time with you.

The harsh squeak from the automatic doors interrupts my one-sided conversation and I follow Abby over to the Information Desk.

"May I help you?" the middle-aged man dressed in green scrubs asks.

"My friend was brought in by ambulance," she says and I roll my eyes.

Again with 'friend.'

"What's the name, love?"

"His last name is Styles, first name is Harry."

"Let me check my records."

"Um, he's already passed away, if that helps you in the search," Abby adds and the man nods.

"My condolences for your loss. Are you family?"


"Best friends since we were nine years old," Abby proudly says and the man gives a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry, but only relatives are allowed in the rooms."

"But his mum and sister are coming from Holmes Chapel. That's three hours away!"

"Miss, there's no reason to be upset-"

"No reason? No bloody reason?"

Uh oh. You better hide behind your computer, mate.

"My best friend, the man I love, just died and you're telling me to calm down? I promised his mum I wouldn't leave him, now let me go back there!"

Before I can realize what's happening, a security officer takes Abby off to the side and I follow them to make sure she's okay.

"Calm down or else I'll have to escort you outside," he says and Abby reluctantly nods. "Now just have a seat and I'll bring you some tea."

Abby nods and walks over to sit down in one of the chairs in the waiting room and I take the seat next to her. Those who are waiting to be seen by a doctor are watching Abby like a hawk as if she'd actually do something.

She wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Here you go, love," the security guard says and Abby takes the paper cup.

"Thanks," Abby says, bringing the cup to her lips and he politely tips his head toward her before walking away.

You don't have to stay until Mum and Gem get here. Those three hours will bore you to death. Oh. S'rry, love. I have to stop with the death jokes.

I huff out a breath, that I realize isn't real, and Abby takes her phone from her pocket. Since I'm not alive, I don't consider my peering over her shoulder spying.

We don't have any secrets anyways. Right, Abs?

I watch a tear roll down her cheek that nearly rips my non-beating heart out of my chest and I look at her phone. It's a picture of us after my first chemotherapy treatment several months ago.

You were an angel throughout that phase in my life. Y'know that, Abs? I know I thanked you after every session that you went with me, but I want you to know I really appreciated your support.

"Oh my God," Abby breathes out a sob. "I can't believe you're gone. I miss you so much. Shit, if I could only go back and tell you I love you one more time."

You just did, Abs, and I love you, too.***

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