Chapter 20 • Lucky For You

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"I'm not what I thought
I would be without you"

Lucky For You // Novo Amor & Gia Margaret


To say I'm proud of my Abs is a massive understatement. I honestly had my doubts that I did the right thing by fading myself from her after her initial reaction, but I knew healing would take some time.

I hate to admit I was surprised when Abby picked herself up by the bootstraps and applied herself to finish her last month with strong grades to graduate as planned. I was afraid that she would give up on everything since we were no longer together.

Don't get a puffed chest now, Harry. You have Paulette and the campus student counselor to thank for helping Abby.

Oh yeah. And Mr. Sparkly Eyes.


Even though Abby has made it clear to Paulette and whoever else has asked, that her and Aaron are 'just Lab partners and good friends,' I know better. Her words may say one thing, but the texting and frequent coffee dates, that Abby has cleverly described as meetings, say another.

Just be glad she's smiling again, Harry. Your woman is happy.

And right now, as I sit with my mum and sister in the audience surrounded by the graduates' families, it feels as though my non-beating heart could just burst with pride.

I glance over at Mum who's holding my posthumous Bachelor of Performing Arts Degree in one hand and a tissue in the other and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. My encouraging touch unsurprisingly goes unnoticed, but the tiny smile on her lips lets me know she'll be okay.

I'll always love you, Mum.

"Today is a day of celebration," the university's president says, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I hope you, the graduates of two-thousand-and-nineteen, will look back at your time here with fond memories and step forward into the future with the knowledge you've gained from this university. Our faculty and staff wish you well in whatever your endeavors may be and wherever life takes you. Congratulations, graduates."

As the graduates make their recessional march, I join in applause and smile proudly once Abby passes our row. The sight of my Abs in her mortarboard and gown, complete with two pairs of gold cords and special chords from the Veterinary School makes me realize that my fading from her was the best thing I could've done for her.

'They have a McDonald's in Paris,' my ass. See, love? My fading away was for the best.

"I'm going to meet Abby outside where we talked about," Mum says, earning Gemma's attention and unknowingly mine. "Do you want to wait in the car?"

"No, I'll go with you. I have something to tell her anyways."

I swear, Gem, if you ruin her special day, I'll . . . well, I can't do anything, but I won't be happy.

Mum and Gemma start making their way out of the row and I follow them through the crowd who are just as eager to greet their graduate. Once we're outside, I inhale a fake breath of fresh air and smile at the sunlight. It couldn't be a more beautiful day and since it's Abby's favourite kind of day, I'd say it's perfect for her graduation celebration.

"Anne! Gemma!"

Smiling at the voice I've been in love with for thirteen years, I turn around and watch Abby rush over with a smile. She embraces Mum in a hug, laughing as she fixes her crooked mortarboard.

"Congratulations, love, I'm so proud of you," Mum says. "It seems like yesterday you and Harry were riding your bikes down our street, and now you're a university graduate with a job as a Veterinarian's Assistant. I'm incredibly proud of you."

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