Chapter 8 • Colourway

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"Oh, what a way to be living with all of your pain
Oh, what a way to be locking your heaven away"

Colourway // Novo Amor


"Abby? Supper's here. Are you awake?"

The sound of Mum's muffled voice and light tapping on my bedroom door stir Abby from her sleep and I smile at the drool on the side of her mouth. She gets out of bed with a grunt and she walks over to the door to open it.

"Hello, love. Oh my, have you been asleep this whole time?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Abby lazily laughs. "Didn't realize how tired I was. What time is it?"

"It's a quarter past seven. I hadn't heard from you in a while and I was getting a bit worried."

"Sorry to worry you, but I'm fine. I was just sleeping."

"You must've needed the rest. Anyways, one of my neighbor-friends brought over a meal if you're hungry."

That's what smells so good. I wish it were your cooking, though. I miss your cooking, Mum.

"I'm starving now that I think about it. I'll be down in a few."

With Mum's nod, Abby closes the door and rakes her hand through her disheveled hair, letting out a heavy breath.

It's okay, Abs. I'll be here if things get awkward with Gemma. There's no need to be nervous.

As usual, she ignores me as she brushes out her hair and I'm actually starting to wonder why I'm still here.

There has to be a reason why, but I can't figure it out. If I don't find out soon, I don't know what I'm going to do because I will go mad if I'm in this state forever.

"Well, here goes nothing," Abby exhales, straightening her jumper over her jeans and she walks out of my bedroom.

I follow her downstairs, smiling at the two voices coming from the kitchen. As we turn the corner, Abby hesitates for a second and takes a determined breath before entering the kitchen.

"Ah, there she is," Mum happily says. "Everything's ready, except I didn't know what you'd like to drink."

"How about a Whiskey sour?" Gemma smirks and my jaw drops.

How dare you say that! You know about her mum.

"This was a huge mistake," Abby mutters to herself and turns to walk out.

"Abigail, wait, please," Mum begs and Abby surprisingly turns back around, no doubt out of respect. "Gemma didn't mean it."

"How could she say that and not mean anything by it?" Abby challenges and turns to face my sister. "I don't have a bloody clue what I did to get on your bad side all these years, Gemma, but your brother was my best friend and I loved him. I genuinely cared for him and Christ, if I could trade places with him, I would! He didn't deserve to have brain cancer and he didn't deserve to die. It's like you've always thought I was a terrible friend to him or something. I honestly don't get it and I've kept my mouth shut for thirteen years, but I'm done being your punching bag. For God's sake, we lost someone very special to us and instead of being at each other's throats, we should be remembering Harry and his beautiful, short life. Let something good come out of his passing. I'm willing to ask for your forgiveness for whatever I could've possibly done but you have to be willing to let go of whatever it is."

Silence fills the kitchen and all three women look like they're on the verge of crying any second now.

I don't think I can handle it if they cry again.

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