Chapter 18 • Amateur Blood

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"But I can't let go of your love"

Amateur Blood // Novo Amor & Ed Tullett


I knew fading my presence from Abby would be difficult, but I didn't expect her to cry as hard as she did. It's as if I died twice and she was grieving my death all over again.

But it had to be done.

It was either stay and watch her make the biggest mistake of her life or leave so she can have a successful life.

She'll thank me one day.

Don't hold your breath, mate. Oh. I guess that doesn't matter.

I shake my head with a smile at my pun and my attention is brought to the bedroom door opening. Paulette peeks her head inside for the third time this morning and sighs heavily at the sight of Abby still sleeping in her bed. She quietly shuts the door and I turn my attention to Abby.

Since she practically spent the night well into the morning hours crying and pleading for me to come back to her, she's only gotten a couple hours of sleep, so not only is she emotionally exhausted but she's physically tired as well.

It's nearing ten and rather unusual for Abby to be in bed for so long, but considering the circumstances, I understand and don't blame her in the least.

A big inhale followed by a yawn captures my attention and I smile fondly as Abby wakes from her sleep. She rubs her eyes, exhaling a breath and she reaches across the bed as if she's feeling around for me. Even though I'm sitting on the edge of the bed next to her, we don't have physical contact anymore.

"I know you're still here," she says and my eyes widen in surprise. "Please, Harry, come back to me."

What? Oh. You scared me for a second there, Abs. And that would do more harm than good. Once you take a shower and have some breakfast, you'll feel better.

With a sigh, she wipes the tears from her eyes and kicks the covers off. I watch as she grabs her clothes for the day and I follow her out of the bedroom and to the loo.

While she turns the shower faucet on, I make myself comfortable on the countertop. I look away as she undresses and steps into the shower, feeling my non-beating heart break even more when she starts crying.

Thankfully, I'm not on human time anymore, so I don't have to endure listening to her painful cries for too long.

I wonder what she has planned for today. She doesn't have class or have to work. Hmm. If I were alive, I'm sure we'd be spending it together like we normally would.

The squeak of the faucet shutting off brings me out of my thoughts and Abby pulls the towel from over the top of the shower door. I move to stand up to get out of her way and she steps out with the towel wrapped around her glistening body.

Her eyes roam across the room as if she's looking for me and she huffs out a sharp breath, tucking the end of the towel over her chest. As she wipes the now foggy mirror with her hand, I can tell she's acting as if I'm still here.

It's what seems like only a few moments that she's dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a long-sleeved crew neck shirt. After pulling her now dried hair up in a messy bun, she walks past me to the door and simultaneously opens it while turning off the light and we make our way into the kitchen.

I'm surprised that Paulette isn't in here but as she had anticipated Abby waking up, the note on the small table explains that she waited as long as she could without being late for class. As I read over her shoulder, Abby wipes away another tear and I'm starting to wonder if fading was the best idea after all.

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