Chapter 19 • Cold

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"But I'm cold in your heart
and you're branded into mine"

Cold // Novo Amor


I don't know how much time has passed from Abby telling Aaron about the last several days but I can tell by his facial expression that he's about ready to ring the insane asylum.

"I told you you'd think I've lost the plot," Abby smiles timidly, ultimately breaking the awkward silence.

"N-no, I uh-"

"And how was your food, love?" the friendly waitress, whose name I've forgotten at the moment, interrupts and earns all of our attention.

"It was delicious, as always, Kat, thank you," Abby says, pushing her empty plates closer to the edge.

Once Kat leaves the booth, Abby fits her eyes to Aaron and she quietly clears her throat. Aaron hasn't moved for a good thirty seconds and I'm sure he's still in shock.

"So, you could actually see him after he had passed away?"

"Mhm, and talk to him and touch him, but not at first. It was the night of his memorial service when he came back to life, so to speak."

Aaron nods his head almost catatonically, licking his lips as if he's thinking.

"But he's gone now? You can't see him anymore?"

"Nope. Not anymore, but I know he's still with me."

"What? Like he's h-here with us now?"

That's right, Mr. Sparkly Eyes. I'm her wingless angel. And I'm keeping an eye on you.

"Yeah, I think he's here, but I really don't know."

You do to know, love. I told you I'd watch over you. You weren't listening to me, were you?

Well, to be fair, she was emotional at the time, Harry.

"It's alright if you think I'm crazy."

"Actually, I don't," Aaron replies, taking both of us by surprise. "I've read about instances like this where a relative, o-or someone dear, has passed away and either the surviving family members or close mates still feel their presence, sometimes they can converse with them. It's a method of grieving. We all grieve differently. There's no right or wrong way to grieve. So, to put your mind at ease, no, I don't think you're crazy, Abby."

Hmm. He sounds believable. I still don't know, though.

"That's a relief," Abby sighs with a hint of a smile. "I haven't even told my flatmate about this. I don't know why."

"You don't have to tell anyone who you don't want to, and you have my word that I won't mention this to anybody."

Wow. Okay, maybe he isn't as bad as I thought.

Alright, mate, look. I'm sorry for making fun of your sparkly blue eyes.

And your ridiculously sparkly smile.

"So . . ."

"So . . ." Abby playfully copies him.

"It's a quarter past three," Aaron muses, scratching the scruff on his chin. "I could fancy a coffee and a Danish. Care to walk over to Grounded with me?"

With my jaw dropped, I look over at Abby and her expression matches mine.

He practically asked you out on a date! And in front of me! Well, sort of.

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