Chapter nine

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Callie's POV


"Hey Jer, You talked to Logan this weekend?" I asked as I was doing my hair Sunday afternoon.

"I mean he called to ask if he left his jacket here last night." He mumbled while texting on his phone making me pause.

"What jacket? His hoodie?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh no his leather, the nice one." He answered with a confused glance up at me. "Why?" He then inquired, coming to stand in the doorway.

"Just haven't heard from him that's all." I muttered, sad for some reason. "He uh, he used to wear that jacket all the time. When he went to Verdant. Hasn't worn it much this year." I mumble, twisting my hair after letting go of a curl.

"Oh. When he was playing super man-whore. . . Sorry, sis." He said with a sign but I quickly shook my head.

"Huh? No, I'm fine. It's Logan. He can pick up whoever he wants." I grumbled, curling another piece.

"Still. I know how he gets, it sucks." He says, giving me a kiss on the head before heading back downstairs.

Without a second thought, I put my curling iron down and called Logan, getting sent straight to voicemail.

"Hey, um so I heard you called Jeremy. I think your jackets in my Jeep. So yeah call me whenever." I finished, about to hang up. "Actually um. . . okay look I know you're upset but, I mean I miss you Logan call me soon please. I love you." I finish, ending the call and returning to getting ready.


"So Mom's in the kitchen, Dad is in his study. Dinner will be at six thirty." Noah filled me in, showing me around his house, which I did not expect to be so big. 

"Hello, you must be Callie." A tall blonde woman greeted me as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Um hi- hello. Uh yes that would be me." I stuttered and she rose a brow at Noah making me want to duct tape my mouth shut.

"Well it's- lovely- to meet you." She spoke in a slightly condescending tone with a forced smile.

Noah stood silently, looking towards the ground and I quietly responded with a "You too." earning a quick and haughty grimace.

"Miss Eliza, Dinner is ready." A short little lady with a sort of German sounding accent said quietly.

"No it is not." Noah's Mom replied quickly, making Noah groan quietly and turn away.

"But- Um . . . the cook said-" The lady stuttered and I inwardly felt bad for her. This woman seemed horrendous.

"Sophie. What time is it?" Eliza questioned coldly.

I had seen this too many times with my own mother to know that it would not end well.

"It's Sophia-"

"I asked for the time. Not to be corrected." Noah's mother spat.

"S-six fifteen Miss Eliza."

"And when did I say dinner was?" She haughtily asked.

"Six thirty Miss."

"Good. Now go disappear until the correct time." She spat before turning to me and Noah. "Noah wipe the grimace off your face and go get your father. I would like a word with Callie."


"Now." She spoke with finality and Noah sulked away.

She started to head to the dining room with me following behind.

"You're not good enough for my son. My husband and I would like you to end this now."

"Not to be rude Eliza, but you don't know me and frankly I am not inclined to listen to you." I confidently spoke.

"Oh I know who you are, I have met your parents and they didn't have much to say about their mess of a daughter." She spat with a satisfied grin, a low blow hitting me in the gut.

"Eliza what is for dinner?" A tall man with brownish gray hair walked in, Noah following in tow.

"Salmon, Jack." She answered shortly with a smile.

"I'm actually starting to feel ill, sorry to leave early but I should get home." I coldly informed them, heading straight for the door.

"What- Callie! Seriously Mom what did you say to her!" I heard Noah shout, footsteps following me as I walked out the door. "Callie! Wait, Baby!" He shouted, catching up to me and grabbing my arm. Turning me to him once I reached the street.

"Sorry to tell you Noah but that woman is a cold fucking bitch!" I shouted, seething in anger and sadness.

"I know, okay? I'm sorry I didn't warn you. I was hoping she would be on her best behavior." He answered, reaching for my arm but I quickly pulled away.

"No! Instead she fucking throws cold blows about my parents and fills me in on how you're too good for a mess like me." I shouted in defense.

"God Callie I'm so sorry." He sincerely spoke, reaching for my hand to comfort me. "Let me make it up to you?" He asked, attempting to get closer before I pulled away.

"I just wanna get home okay? Lets catch up tomorrow." I kissed him quickly on the cheek and started to walk home.

"Wait baby at least let me drive you?" He offered.

"I'd actually like to walk, but thanks." I declined, walking after he nodded and headed inside.


I had been walking ten minutes when I pulled out my phone to call Logan, tears running down my face as I thought of my parents telling their friends how much of a disappointment I was. They weren't loving, I knew they didnt care, but I wouldn't have called them cruel before.

This time I was sent to voicemail after three rings, meaning he declined my call.

"Hey L" I sniffled, wiping my eyes. "So um I know I hurt you, and I am so sorry. I understand why, I just really need you right now." My voice cracked and I let out a light sob. "But um yeah, call me. Please." I quickly ended the call and wiped my eyes, finishing the walk home and heading straight to bed when I figured Logan wasn't calling back tonight.

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