Chapter twenty

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(Alot of POV switches in this chapter, sorry in advance lmao.)

Callie's POV


I didn't know if what I was doing qualified as getting over Logan, or just trying to ignore him and my feelings.

"Morning baby" Liams deep voice made me focus as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around me.

My body felt sore, my throat was burning.

I'd done some stupid things to try and get over him.

Things I could never get back.

I regretted each one.

I hadn't really spoken to Logan in almost two weeks.

I think the extent of us was a quick 'Hi, How are you?' In the hall. Of course, out of courtesy, we both said fine. Except I think he actually was, which made me want to cry.

How could he be fine? I was a mess.

There hasn't been a single day since I met Liam that I wasn't high or intoxicated. I had barely gone to school, I'd been avoiding home.

I didn't want Jeremy to worry so had just been staying mostly at Liams, it was a little awkward because of Colten but it was fine.

"Hey" I muttered softly, closing my eyes and leaning into him before he rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

"Baby will you roll me a joint and grab me a beer before you leave?" He shouted from the bathroom, I answered a quick yes and threw on his flannel before heading down stairs. 

"Hey Callie. ." Colten startled me as I opened the fridge, I turned to look at him and saw he was about to leave for school. He looked put together and well dressed as he sat at the counter eating an apple. I probably looked like a mess.

"Hey" I muttered, grabbing Liam's beer and heading back upstairs to roll his blunt without another word.

"Are you going to school today?" He quickly sputtered out as I stepped onto the first stair, I turned back to him with a blank expression and nearly rolled my eyes at his judgemental stare.

"I don't know yet." Was my only response as I continued upstairs. I had an awful hang over after last night, a lovely phone call from my mother giving me a need to drown myself even more with copious amounts of alcohol.

He took my short response as the end of the conversation and I went back up to Liam's room.

I sat on the edge of his bed and rolled him a joint while my mind wandered.

I missed Logan.

I felt so alone, I couldn't exactly talk to Jeremy about all this and I hadn't really talked to Hayley or Jess lately.

I needed my best friend.

But I couldn't have him. . .


Logan's 19th birthday was today. I tried my hardest to plan something with Mandy yesterday, I caught up with her after she got out of school, but they already had plans. She was going to take him out to a special dinner alone and to a romantic movie. But I wasn't to worry, I was allowed to hang out with him the next day.

A classy simple dinner, fancy and romantic. A great choice for a new girlfriend.

Instead for example: A Halloween movie marathon, blindfolded twister, and extra cheesy pizza and caramel apples from Dahlia. No, that is something someone close to you would plan. Someone who knew everything you would love that could make a simple night fun and perfect.

But as she walked away from me and showed him the two tickets to a showing of some new romance movie and told him about her special dinner plans I saw his face light up.

My heart cracked a little more as I watched them and I wondered.

Maybe I just didn't know him anymore.

So instead of going up to him and saying 'Hey' I offered him a small smile and turned away, barely getting a glance in return.

Logan's POV


I hadn't seen her much lately, small glances in the hallway were the most she was giving me.

I missed her, more than I could explain. When Mandy told me Callie helped her with the birthday plans I was surprised, it would be the first year Callie wouldn't be with me, that she didn't have a perfect night planned.

Maybe she was trying to give me space, maybe she wanted her own but when the only thing I got from her was a 'Happy b-day L' in a text message I knew something had changed.


Callie's POV


I wanted to cry, to kick and scream. It was my best friends birthday and it started to hit me, just how far we had fallen.

This wasn't us.

I didn't want this to be us.

This is why I was scared to tell him in. the first place, why he didn't tell me.

But in not telling him I've still managed to ruin us.

So I grabbed another bottle and dropped my body on my bed, ready to forget everything again, just for a little while.

At this point I couldn't remember the last time I drank anything but alcohol; and honestly I didn't care.

I would drink as much as I could and then Liam was coming to pick me up for a party at Coltens'.

Maybe he could help me forget my feelings.

Maybe he could make me forget myself.


Logan's POV


Halfway through a shitty girly movie I was so fucking happy to feel my phone go off, quickly telling Mandy I had to go to the bathroom and rushing out of the theater.

"Hey." Hearing Callies little brother surprised me to say the least, he sounded upset or rushed maybe but it didn't sound good.

I heard clattering in the background like he was looking for something before he sighed.

"Jeremy? What's wrong you sound upset?" To say I was worried was an understatement, he hadn't talked to me since I messed everything up with Callie before and we weren't exactly great right now either.

"Logan I know it's your birthday and you and Callie haven't been talking much but I figured I could still count on you?" He paused, waiting for my response and I held my breath, this didn't sound good.

"What happened, is she okay?" At the feeling of my heart racing in terror I knew I still loved this girl.

"I just got a call from her asshole boyfriend from her phone, he didnt tell me what was wrong he just dropped her off at the hospital, I was wondering if you could drive me?" My stomach dropped and anger ran through my veins at the thought of him just leaving her there.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." With a quick goodbye I hung up the phone and almost immediately felt my fist collide with the wall.

"Babe." I spun around at Mandy's voice and cursed at myself quickly knowing this wouldn't end well.

"I'm sorry Mandy but I have to go, Callie's in the hospital." She came closer to me and flinched when I stepped away. "Here's a fifty, I'm sorry. I'll text you." With that I was gone. Rushing out of the theater towards my car.

I needed her to be okay.

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