Chapter six

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Callie's POV

As I pulled up into the parking lot of the same high school I'd gone to for the last four years I think this moment right here is the most anxious I've ever felt. That's saying a lot, considering the fact that all of high school is anxiousness and angst.

I park in my usual parking space and head straight to my locker, putting my bag inside and pulling out what I needed for my first period. I grabbed my chapstick from my bag and applied it onto my lips, not surprised when I feel someone standing behind me.

"Look Logan sorry I disa- Noah? Hey!" The frown I was sporting on my face changed into a huge grin as I turned around to face a confused looking Noah instead of my grumpy and worried best friend.

"You're fighting with Logan? That sucks, you guys are usually like inseparable. I see him by your side like twenty four seven." He says before his eyes widen and I laugh slightly, with an amused smirk on my face. "I- Not that I like- like watch you or something! Because that would be weird and kinda creepy . . . " He trails off, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck while smiling sheepishly.

"Don't worry I think your stalkerish tendencies are cute." I tease him with a smile and he grins with a twinge of blush still shadowing his cheeks. "Well either way, wanna walk with me to class?" I ask and he nods eagerly before taking my textbook and bravely grabbing ahold of my hand with his free one.

He looks down at our entwined hands, as do I, before glancing back up at me. I reassuringly squeeze his hand and he smiles before we walk together to my first period.

"Sit with me at lunch?" He asks with a sweet smile as we stop in front of my class, I think for a second before dismissing my earlier thoughts and nodding in agreement. "Cool I'll meet you outside of your fourth period." He responds quickly before darting off to class as I laugh quietly at the fact that he knows my fourth period.

As I walk into my first period class I glare to myself for blanking that Logan has this class and that I would have to come up with an excuse for running away. Then find a way to tell him that me and Noah might actually make it to the relationship stage. Which I don't accomplish very often.


I roll my eyes when he walks into first period twenty three minutes into the class, his hair looks disheveled but of course it still looks as good as usual. He looks straight towards my seat when he walks in and the teacher just rolls her eyes when Logan makes no move to give her a late pass and just comes to sit down.

"You ran away from me. Then you avoided me. Plus you got Jer to not tell me where you were." He whispers in his angry tone. Generally the angry tone doesn't bother me in the slightest but right now the angry tone came with an aggravated fake smile plastered on his face and that annoys me. Especially when I'm the one who is supposed to be angry. Then I think back to the last sentence he said and I smile. I love my brother, I didn't tell him to do anything he just knew I wasn't on good terms with Logan and knew what to do. I got a good brother.

It's now that I notice Logan is giving me a weird look because he just snapped at me and now I'm smiling to myself. I get annoyed again because I realize he is mad at me when I'm mad at him. His face contorts to confusion again because my light smile turned into a foul look and a sigh.

"Look sorry for leaving you alone but I didn't really wanna talk about what I walked in on. That's all. Plus I had a boy to get back to." I let a light smile take over my face at the thought of Noah and Logan raises his eyebrows before giving me a sigh. Meaning he believed my story.

Then suddenly his stoic face turned into a smirk.

"So how'd it go with that boy? Did he run away screaming or did he make you scream . . . " He trailed off and I scoffed at him, smacking his arm as hard as I could, feeling accomplished when I made him wince.

"Actually . . . " I trailed off and smiled making his face scrunch up. "It was kind of great. We went upstairs an-" He stops me, putting his hand up with a disgruntled look of annoyance on his face.

"Okay Cal. I don't need to hear the dirty details." He grumbled and I knitted my eyebrows together before smacking his arm.

"Let me finish and that wasn't where I was going. No we just . . . " I trailed off again and he gave me an amused and slightly confused face. "We just talked. For hours. Even after the party ended and then I went to his house Sunday and we hung out, and got to know each other." I say with a smile, looking up with a smile to see a disgusted look on Logan's face. My face settled into a 'dare you to say something' face and he sighed, putting his hand in mine.

"He makes you smile?" He asks and I smile and nod softly, I feel sad for a second when I see a flash of emotion in his eyes but I push it away and widen my smile.

Logan is my best friend. Nothing more. He will get over me if he even does feel anything for me. It's for the best.

"Yeah he's kinda great . . . " I trail off with a giggle, looking down and my hands and shaking my head. When I look back up at him my heart almost breaks as his golden eyes look down at our fingers. I casually pull my hand from his lose grip and start copying down the notes from the board.

I almost feel a tear slip but I stop myself as soon as I had felt it. I will not cry. Not over something that isn't even happening.


"Hey" I smile at the beautiful boy waiting outside of my fourth hour. He really wasn't joking. "Um is it okay if I invite Logan to sit with us?" I ask and he smiles nodding, he looks actually happy that we aren't fighting anymore. I quickly text my best friend and he says he will meet me under the tree in the court yard.

"So who are we sitting with? I mean who else is in like your group?" I ask grabbing onto his hand which makes him glance down at our hands and smile. I grin like a mad woman when he pulls me even closer, his arm around my shoulder and my hand across my chest holding his.

"Well Sasha and Dom will probably sit with us, they're really nice you've probably met them already he says and I nod because I have. Sasha is in my dance class and Dom has been in the same English class as me literally since freshman year. They've also managed somehow to be dating since then. Four years.

"Other then that probably just my best friend Matt, maybe Alexis or Leah and Logan of course." He finishes with a smile and I nod, smiling as well.

"So question . . . a potentially stupid one since our first date was Friday but are we just like friends or . . . ?" I question and a grin spreads across his face making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"I don't know . . . " he stops to the side of the hallway, both of us leaning against lockers facing each other. He holds my hand and swings it back and forth, careful not to hit the lockers as I wait for him to proceed. "Do you want to be more than friends?" He asks with a small amused smile as he watches our hands swing and I roll my eyes.

Next I do something completely out of character for me but it actually feels amazing.

I step towards him, making his chocolate brown eyes look directly at me and he smiles as he realizes what I'm about to do. I stand on my tiptoes and lean against him as he leans back against the locker, both hands settling comfortably on my waist as I mold my lips to his. The kiss doesn't last that long but in the good minute we simply, breathlessly kiss. It wasn't like Loga- not comparing. It was soft and sweet and it made me smile when we pulled away and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders once more, leading me towards the cafeteria.

"So that was you confirming that you would be my girlfriend right?" he asks as we walk away and I laugh shaking my head at him, purposefully not giving him an answer. "Callie? Hey? Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks and I don't say anything. "Please?" He exasperatedly asks and I just laugh, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"I'm taking that as a yes considering you aren't responding so now everyone is just gonna know we are dating even if that was a no kiss. I don't know I might need to feel it again to know for sure." He jokes and I just laugh again, smacking his arm lightly making him chuckle softly.

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