Chapter twenty-three

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Callies POV


Have you ever laid down and looked up at the stars, dark nights, crisp cool air, and just utter calming silence? It gives you this unbelievable feeling of serenity and peace.

That's how I felt whenever I was in his arms, it was the most amazing feeling as we both laid in my bed silently. We didn't talk. We just laid there, my head on his chest, his arms around me. I'd never felt more calm. Safe.

"I love you." He whispered, he had repeated this sentence at least 100 times in the past few hours.

I couldn't complain, every time he spoke those words my heart would swell and a smile would break upon my face.

"For the millionth time, I love you too Logan." I giggled happily as I looked up at his grinning face, his eyes alight with a matching happiness.

"I'm sorry you have no clue how long I've waited to say that, now I can't stop. I fucking love you." The blush that covered my cheeks was warm and it made his smile widen even more as I hid my face beneath my messy hair.

He lifted my chin, making me look up at him before speaking, "Let me take you on a date. Let's make it real, official."

His voice demanded but as I looked into his shining eyes they were pleading.

I nodded, recieving another soft sweet kiss from my best friend, leaving me with a breathless smile to cover my face.

"Logan you still technically have a girlfriend." I reminded him and heard him groan, watching as he tilted his head backwards and blew out deeply.

"I'm such an ass Cal." He muttered and my chest began to hurt. Maybe he did start to have feelings for her. . . "She isn't as awful as she acted. She's actually pretty nice-"

He paused and my body grew tense, sitting up and turning to him as he pulled himself up to lean against my head board.

"She just isn't you." He whispered as he stared at me, not directly but a more lost in his mind look.

I let a smile light my face as I crawled over and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

His eyes followed me as he lifted his hands and rested them on my waist.

"I'm sorry. . . You know for making this difficult." I muttered, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, looking down at his chest.

"Hey. You are all I have ever wanted, this isn't your fault babygirl." The words he spoke held sincerity as I glanced into his eyes. It made me feel better but I knew he could still see my guilt.

"Baby. Look at me." He murmured, rubbing the exposed skin on my waist gently.

I glanced up and his soft and loving eyes immediately calmed me, he loved me.

"I want you. Only you." He insisted staring deeply into my eyes, earning a simple nod in return.

He leaned forward, as did I. Our lips softly meeting, eyes fluttering close. They molded together as if they were meant to be.

I felt his hands grip my hips tighter as he pulled me closer, putting more power into the meaningful kiss before pulling away breathlessly.

When I looked into his eyes I watched every emotion flow through, each one putting me at ease. All of the love filling every hole in my heart.

"I love-" I was startled by the front door closing loudly, looking back to Logan with confusion in my eyes before getting up and heading out, him following right behind me. "Jer? I thought you were going to Val's?" Shouted my confused voice as I made my way down the stairs.

Though once I reached the bottom step my body froze, watching as my mother handed my father her coat to hang. Then my father proceeding to lift their baggage off of the ground.

Speaking of holes in my heart.

"Ah Callista perfect, you're home." They acted as though this was completely normal, not bothering to take in my unamused and confused expression.

"Why are you here?" My voice came harsher than intended as my father unlocked the door to his supposed office, a room I had seen maybe twice in all my years.

My mother ignored me as she followed him in, me following after and Logan yet to speak.

"Um excuse me?" I tried again, my words being brushed past once more as my father sat at his desk.

Both of them briefly meeting my face with looks of pure disinterest making me want to shrink backwards, suddenly very wary of my cropped sweater and shorts.

"Hello Logan. Nice to see you two are still friends." My mother briskly spoke, looking back towards my father who was rifling through the drawers of his desk.

"Uh yeah. . ." I could see my mother's judgement as he uncomfortably answered, shifting closely behind me.

"For the third time why are you guys here?" I spoke the words as calmly as possible.

"This is our house." My father replied, as though it was a stupid question before continuing his search.

"Oh yeah I forgot, considering you haven't slept here once in nearly three years." My sarcastic response drew both sets of eyes to me.

"We have been busy. Working." The cold warning tone shot down my spine and sent shivers through my body before my Father pulled a folder out of the drawer.

"Too busy to even call your children?" My words were sharp and held my hurt as my mother rolled her eyes.

"I called you a few weeks ago." She dismissed, folding her perfectly manicured hands across her chest.

"You called me for three minutes so I could tell you my social security number and then snapped at me when I told you I didn't have it on me before hanging up." I recalled with disdainful feelings of the conversation that led me to down another bottle. "What about when I was in the hospital? I'm sure you were informed."

"I wasn't aware I needed to call and inform you how disappointed we were that you were drinking like an alcoholic." My mother's haughty tone spoke as she rolled her eyes and my Father began scribbling down something on a piece of paper.

"Oh yeah I forgot I'm a complete disappointment." The hurt rang in my voice causing Logan to step closer, rubbing my shoulder gently.

Suddenly my father stood, a thick folder in his hand as he walked around the desk.

"Call your brother, tell him to come home and be ready to go out. We are going to have a civil dinner, there are a few things we must discuss. Logan why don't you come as well. We will meet you at Crisellas at eight." After my father demanded his dinner plans to be met they both quickly fled the building and left me standing there in utter astonishment.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked cautiously as I stood in the foyer, staring at the door with confusion.

"Uh we have to call Jer." The question snapped me out of my mind as I headed back to my room to grab my phone and call my little brother.

I had no words, they always popped up at the worst times and I didn't think that would ever change.

Now it was just time to figure out what mess they were throwing me into now.

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