Summoning Ares

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Carlisle's P.O.V.

"Carlisle. We need to get people on our side. we need witnesses otherwise I fear we may be doomed." Edward said with his arm wrapped around his mate.

"I know." I sighed. I have never faced this before were my family might be endanger. "I might know someone who will help us."

"Who is it?" Esme asked me. I haven't told anyone in my family about when I met the goddess of war Ares.

"An old friend." Was all I said. I hate keeping a secret from them but if it goes down wrong I don't want them to worry or be saddened.

I went outside away into the woods and tried to cover my scent. I knelt down. "O, goddess of war. grace me with your presence for my family is in danger and I fear we will lose this war and my son will lose his wife and daughter." I got up and bowed to the ground.

"wow! that was really formal Carlisle." Came a voice. I looked up to see a hooded figure dressed in all black with a black hooded cloak over the body. Behind the person stood 2 more on the person's left and right one dressed in a very dark purple and blue and the other in a bloody red. "I have come to accept your call." The hooded figure took off the hood to show

"Ares." I said. She laughed her musical laugh and we hugged. "So good to see you again."

"My pleasure. this is Hades and Zeus." The other 2 took off their hoods to reveal white haired twins except one was a boy.

"Hello I am Carlisle." I told them. They bowed to me and I felt flattered. "Ares, still tall I see."

"Of course. I am a goddess I refuse to be short." She told me. "Loosen up Zeus and Hades. We are in the presence of an old friend." She said to the twins.

"I am Zeus." The girl said.

"Hades." The boy said right after.

"I didn't realize that you would bring friends." I told Ares as we walked back to the house.

"I know. I wanted them to come. After all we are the only gods who aren't married and our dad is insisting that we find our mates so when I heard your call I thought that I would bring them along." She explained.

their dad's name is Chaos and I have met him once. He was scary along with their mother Hera. Ares gets his more evil nature.

"That explains things." I commented.

"So explain this whole war thing. so many wars going on with so many creatures these days it's hard to keep track of them all." she told me.

"Yeah especially the souls." Hades added. I nodded.

"Aro is after my son's daughter who he thinks is an immortal vampire child. I want to protect them as much as possible but I fear war will happen if we don't convince him..." I trialed off.

"And you thought bringing in one of the most powerful goddesses into this almost war would be better then actual war?" She guessed. I nodded and she turned to her siblings "What do you think should we help this side or the other side?" She asked them.

"This side." The twins said at the same time.

"It's settled then Carlisle. we will help you with your vampire problem. but you owe us if we end up stopping a war." She told me. I nodded and shook her hand.

"Thank you. I will be gone with my mate to gather more people on our side so you can stay here at the house." I said. She nodded and we all ran at super speed to the house and came through to the door. "Esme!" I called. my wife and kids came into the room with Nessie.

"Carlisle who are these people?" Esme asked me coming and holding my hand.

"These are the people I was talking about earlier. Ares, Zeus, Hades this is my family." I said.

"Hi I am Edward this is Bella my wife and our daughter Nessie and her mate Jacob." Edward said to them. "Go say hi Nessie."

"Hi." Nessie said in a small voice.

"Hi sweetie. I am Ares. these 2 are my brother and sister." Ares said going on one knee to see Nessie correctly. She held out her hand. "My aren't you just a beautiful thing. don't you agree Hades and Zeus."

"Of course." The twins said causing Nessie to laugh. Edward came over to me.

"Are you sure we can trust them." He asked me.

"yes. Ares is the goddess of War, Zeus is the goddess of the air, and Hades is the god of the underworld. They are a lot older and more experienced with this stuff then we are." I explained to my son. I caught Ares looking at us.

"Edward may I talk to you and Bella?" Ares asked in a super formal voice. I hope that she didn't cause trouble.


When Ares asked us if we wanted to go talk to her in another room I was scared. This chick was way more pretty, stronger, and smarter then me if she had the name after a goddess.

"Sure." Edward said. I was also afraid that she will steal Edward away from me if so there will be war. we went into the other room and she waved her hand over the walls and then turned to us.

"I wanted to let you know before we start that this room is sound proof on both sides. And gift proof." She started. "I wanted to know that I know you guys have a daughter and that you are married and so I am giving Edward a choice to ether stay with you or go with me."

"Why?" I asked scared of the Answer.

"He is my mate. I will not force you into anything if you want to stay with Bella that is totally fine and I am cool with it but if you want to go with me then you have to talk to my dad about becoming a god." She said.

"I don't have to decide now do I?" Edward asked.

"No but I expect your answer no more then 4 days after the whole possible war because that's when I leave. If you don't make a choice I will have Aphrodite make it for you."

"You can't she isn't real."

"She is trust me. I am Ares goddess of war that's why Carlisle has called me. Bella if you want him to stay then tell him I will not make the decision for him, I will let him do whatever he wants." She then bowed and left the room. I felt my power return and I turned to Edward.

"Is she serious?" I asked him.

"I think so. I couldn't detect a lie in her." He told me. "If you want me to stay I will."

"Of course I want you to stay but it's your choice and I will always be your friend no matter what you choose." I told him and walked out of the room where Ares was playing with my daughter.

What would happen to her if Edward would decided if he would go with his mate or stay with his wife.

The Goddess of War. (edward x OC) Where stories live. Discover now