The mates of Hades and Zeus.

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Jacob's P.O.V. 3 DAYS LATER

I like the newcomers and I thought since Leah hated the vampires she might like the gods instead and be less bitter. "Leah. I promise they are cool! and they aren't vampires!" I heard Seth say as they drew nearer to the house.

I will be happy for the people who are mated to Seth and Leah. They need love in their life and hopefully help Leah get out of her 'I hate everything' phase. "Fine. I want to see our Alpha first."

"You need me?" I said jumping out of the tree I was chilling in. I didn't feel jealous or over protective with Nessie when Ares, Hades, and Zeus are around her.

"Yeah. Seth tells me that-" She suddenly stops and sniffes the air. "Do you smell that?" She asks us. I shook my head all I smelt was pine, vampires, my mate, and the gods. "It smells like a mixture of pine and vanilla."

"I smell the mixture of chocolate and strawberries mixed with fresh rain." Seth responded. I frowned the Air does not smell like that. I just ignored it and went to get Ares, Zeus, and hades.

"Ares, Zeus, Hades, my friends are here i want you guys to see them." They nodded and got up from the spot on the floor where they were playing with Nessie. I blew her a kiss and she giggled making me smile in happiness. Leah and Seth were still talking about their scents they smelled when Leah and Seth turned to look at the newcomers. "Guys these are Ares, Zeus, and Hades. Guys these are Leah and Seth." I introduced them.

Seth and Leah were staring at Hades and Zeus. "Oh Aphrodite must be going crazy." Ares said to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because. Leah and Seth your friends imprinted on my siblings. Seth with Zeus and Leah with Hades." Ares explained. my confused face turned into a very happy smile.

"Hi I'm Zeus." Zeus said shyly.

"Hi beautiful I am Seth. I mean Hi I am Seth." Seth said awkwardly. Zeus laughed and Seth looked mesmerized by it.

"Hi I am Hades god of the underworld and you must be the goddess Leah." Hades said kissing Leah's hand and dipping into a bow.

"What the Hell! your friends are so formal and good with their mates when i was forbidden by Edward to not tell Nessie about the whole mate thing until she is 16!" I said sounding impressed.

"I know. They are complete amazing people . I am sure that Leah and Seth are lucky at least theirs might actually want them." She said sounding really sad. I put my hand on her shoulder and she turned towards me wiping her tears.

"Does your mate not want you?" I asked. Okay I know this is really bad but I think I like Ares more then Bella. I have no idea why but my friendship with Ares came more easy to me then Bella. Almost like a relationship between mother and son. I shook my head.

"Edward Cullen, my mate has a wife and kid to whom you are mated to." She said. I stared wide eyed at her. "Yeah I know surprising right."

"Hey it's fine. I am your friend and now Leah and Seth are with you because I am sure they will be your siblings."

"If they choose to accept the god hood. It's a rule for father. We must ask permission and they must be our mates in order for him to grant godly hood upon people." Ares explained. "And he can tell if we are lying plus the person who would be receiving it has to agree first and they get a choice."

"Oh." Was all I could say. I could be losing Leah and Seth and Ares could lose her mate.

"But enough of god talk. What do you say that we congratulate the happy couples." She suggested I nodded and we went to where Leah and Seth had walked.

"So Zeus Hades how is the mated life?" Ares asked coming up behind Hades. Hades pulls out a large sword and points it at Ares.

"Oh it's just you." He put away the sword. "Great."

"I am so happy for you Seth, Leah you two have amazing people that will love you." Ares said. "But before we can do anything about it how about we win this war." She put her hands on Seth and Leah going behind them.

"Yeah!" Seth fist bumped Hades. I could tell the 4 of them will be happy and Ares will provide a good support.

"totally." Leah agreed smiling at Hades and her brother.

We went inside and Edward came up to me he took me into the forest again. "Jacob. You are mates with Nessie. What do you think would be best for her?"

"Going with your mate and being happy. Who knows maybe Nessie might want to go with you. I am sure that Bella will be okay with it." I told him. Nessie doesn't need a depressed dad and a smug mom it will turn into a disaster.

"Thank you." He said "Now will you come with us and invite Ares to the denile clan?" He asked. I nodded and we shook hands. We have become more of friends ever since Nessie came into our lives. "I agree with that statement."

"Dude!" I sighed and laughed making Edward laugh. We walked back to the house were Bella and Nessie were waiting. "Did you hear Edward?"

"No what?" he responded.

"Leah and Seth are mated to gods." I told him. He nodded and smiled.

"good for them now to figure out my own drama after this." He said and we laughed some more. We got up into the house and I grabbed Nessie picking her up and swinging her around making her laugh. Bella was staring at Edward with lust and he was staring at his daughter.

"Don't make her vomit Jacob." He warned me. I nodded and we got ready since we would be leaving tomorrow. I was happy for both Seth and Leah along with Edward they found their true mates and the 3 gods will be happy with them if Edward decided to go with Ares.

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