The Pre-War

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Carlisle's P.O.V.

This is like Deja vu all over again but this time more tame.

Bella and Edward = married, but not mates.

Ares and Edward = mates, but not married.

Edward = loves both of them.

Bella = will make sure Edward stays with her.

Ares = let's Edward decide doesn't get in the middle of it.

compared to the whole Jacob and Edward thing.

Bella and Edward = dating

Bella and Jacob = flirty friendship

Bella = loves them both

Edward = will fight for Bella but will be okay with choice

Jacob = will fight for Bella and not okay with choice

This is what I was thinking when we set up camp in the clearing. Edward came over to me.

"Carlisle, I have never thanked you for the life you gave me." He told me. "All this because I fell in love with a human."

"You found your mate, it's amazing what we will do for love. Look at Ares, she is willing to let you go if it makes you happy." I told him.

"Esme told me that I should follow my heart and what I need not other people and the greatest for Bella and Nessie."

"I agree with her. While you love Bella she isn't your mate, She can't ever move on and find her mate because she still thinks it's you." I told him.

"thank you dad." He said. I felt proud.

"Your welcome son." I said back. He smiled and went to join with his wife.

Ares's P.O.V. (for the rest of the story)

Ben held 1 finger of fire when Jacob was done getting the wood. Jacob then gave him a look and Ben lit his fingers on fire and lit the wood. "That's what I am talking about!" Jacob said. I laughed.

"What. Having a Pre-war bonfire, telling war stories. Or the people standing around like firkin statues?" I asked.

"All of them. Ares I am sure you have the best war stories." Ben told me. I nodded.

"I wouldn't be the goddess of war for nothing. So a long time ago We had a major war between the gods and goddesses. over the demi-god children. We feel in love with mortals and that produced many problems. But when we finally had enough of humans having even a fraction of our power we went to war. It had created what you guys know as countries. We cause Pangea to break apart. Every god and goddess got their own prochain to reign over. Humans and other creatures mistook the battle as a bunch of shooting stars but it was gods fighting against each other causing major earth quakes and ruptures across the galaxies. It lasted for 2 millenniums and finally the side that declared we have no mortal children won. If I told you more then the summary your heads would explode." I told them.

"What side were you on?" Emmet asked me.

"I was on nether. I just fought for the fun of it." I told him. They all had finally gathered and were telling their war stories. I butted in a few times to say something about it.

"EY, but it was hell of a rebellion." the Irish said to Garrett.

"I actually tried to prevent that but Victoria wouldn't have it." I said. "Victoria the goddess of victory." They all nodded.

"Will she be on our side tomorrow or on their." Bella asked holding Edward's hand.

"Nether. She doesn't like getting involved in the Volturi business. But I am sure they will have a god or goddess on their side." Zeus said. I nodded.

"How do we beat them?" asked Edward.

"You don't, once a goddess or god you can't die or get hurt. But even then only your mate has the power to kill you." Hades said. "It's rare that it ever happens these days. But we can't change the law even us gods have a weakness and that is other gods and our mates."

"That doesn't sound good." Kate said.

"I agree but never go against the goddess of war, you will lose because Victoria is always on my side." I smirked. we discussed more about war and what to expect. We, meaning the wolves and us the gods got tired.

"Hey Ares, can I speak to you?" Edward said. I nodded and went after him into the woods.

"Yes, Edward?" I asked. He grabbed my face and kissed my lips. I felt the sparks and I was so deep into the kiss that I wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss. I felt whole since the first time I have been here on earth.

"I just wanted to do that before the war in case you lose me." He said breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against mine. I smiled.

"You can't die because I won't allow it." I told him. He smiled and kissed me on last time. I smiled touching my lips after he went away. I finally got kissed by my mate. "Oh, why do you have to play with my heart Edward Cullen?" I asked myself.

"Sis?" Asked Hades.

"yeah." I said sounding dreamy to myself.

"What happened?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"My mate kissed me." I told him and smiled. "I will make sure that these covens don't go under." I told him.

"I know." Hades said smiling. I laughed in glee. He laughed and soon we had calmed down and went to sleep.

The Goddess of War. (edward x OC) Where stories live. Discover now