Christmas and the surprise.

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Jacob's P.O.V.

Over the last few months Ares, Zeus, and Hades have become proper again. They weren't laughing as must and they were wearing the clothes they had on when they came here except with plated armor and weapons. If possible Ares looked more scary then ever.

Bella and Edward were sticking to each other like glue. It was weird to see everyone with their mates or family but Ares looked the odd one out. She wasn't with anybody and she certainly wasn't trying to be. I think she was letting Edward and Bella stay together as a final wish.

"I would hate to see what would happen if Bella found her mate on the battle field." I heard Zeus say.

"She won't. Aphrodite told me her mate died several months ago due to cancer." replied Hades.

"But then that will mean that..." Zeus trailed off.

"That ether Bella will never be happy or that Ares would never be happy. Aphrodite doesn't choose the mates, she keeps track of them." Hades said right back.

"I can't watch her go through that again." Zeus replied. I walked off before I got caught.

"Merry Christmas Jake!" Nessie yelled.

"Merry Christmas to you ness." I said right back kissing her cheek.

"Thank you. Oh Ares said to give you this." She handed me a note.

Dear, Jacob Black

I know that this has been a short time and that we don't really know each other but I want you to help me with something. Come to Charlie's soon and met us in the back. Don't bring Bella.



I frowned and told Bella that I was helping Charlie and sue set up their tree. Bella nodded and when I got there Ares was talking to Edward.

"Hi." I said to them. They turned to me and smiled.

"We want to help ease Bella's worries so We have made this." She said as we walked to the back of the house.

What I saw was amazing. It was a painting of Bella and Edward at their wedding up against several paintings of Nessie, Nessie and me, Nessie and Bella, Nessie and Edward, and all of us. "She will love it!" I told them.

"Great. I painted them and Edward framed it." Ares said.

"Who knew such a violent god could paint something beautiful." I teased.

"I know right!" Edward agreed. Ares smiled and went inside.

"Edward?" I stopped him.


"Does this mean that you are staying with Bella?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just can't leave her. we have been through so much and I love her while I barely know Ares. Plus I know how to make it less painful for Ares."

"Yeah but what about you Edward. I wasn't the biggest fan of you 1 year ago but to ditch your mate to be with your wife is just weird." I tried to explain.

"I know. My mate should be everything to me and Nessie called her mom the other day, it's just that..."

"Just that you are scared that Ares will leave you so instead you are leaving her." I told him. He nodded and I let it be. I just hope that Edward's decision doesn't cost us.

The Christmas party started and we were all happy except for Ares. You could tell that she wants to go home and be away from Edward and his wife Bella. "Here you go Nessie." I said handing my mate a bracelet.

"It's beautiful." She said back to me. "Mommy will you help put this on?" Bella helped put the bracelet on and I smiled. We had a beautiful Christmas. The only person who didn't get a present from anyone was Ares. I just assumed that Ares got hers before Christmas.

"I would like to show you something." Ares said leading Bella out back. She unveiled the paintings that was about 6x6 feet. "I know that ever since I came that you have felt off and so I made you this to apologize for even saying what I did when I first met you." Ares smiled.

"I love it!" Bella said ignoring Ares completely. "Thank you Edward for doing this." She hugged Edward and kissed him. Charlie was confused as to why Bella was thanking Edward instead of Ares.

"Bella is jealous of Ares." I said to him.

"That doesn't mean she gets the right to ever not say thank you to Ares." He countered.

"I agree." Nessie said. "I wish she were my mom." Charlie smiled.

"I know kiddo." Charlie ruffled her hair and went inside. Ares had a golden tear falling down her face. But she quickly wiped it away and left to go inside. I frowned at the couple and felt sorry for Ares.

Edward's P.O.V. (Gets slightly steamy be warned.)

We were done with Christmas and arrived back home after we dropped off the rest. "Bella..." I started.

"I know Edward. I love you too." She started kissing my neck and I really wasn't loving it. "I want this moment with just me and you. no husband stealing mates, no whiny children, no wolf, Just me and you." her hands started to travel up my thigh and that's when I stopped it.

"Bella. I wanted to let you know that-" I tried to say but she put her finger over my mouth.

"Shh. I know that you want to hurry it up and get to the good part but waiting is the best thing." She said.

"Bella." I tried to continue but she bit my lip.

"I told you Shh." she started getting to close and I stopped it.

"Bella! listen we have a war to win and a daughter to save and to figure out this whole mate thing." I explained. She got off me and stared at me.

"Is that all you care about? is this mate thing and our daughter along with the war!" She screamed at me. I froze. "You know what it's that Ares, she has poisoned your mind. Infected it. You aren't going anywhere near her!" I was still frozen when Bella left.

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