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Ares's P.O.V.

4 years since the drama with Bella and the war with the volturie. Me and Edward are happy.

Nessie, Jacob, Seth, Leah, and Edward are all gods and goddesses now. My dad was so happy that we had found our mates. My dad was also pleased with Edward and actually took a liking to him. So he granted god hood on those 5 and we are happy.

Edward is now the god of minds and Happiness

Nessie is the goddess of beauty and images

Jacob is now the god of werewolves

Leah is the goddess of hunting and children

Seth is the god of kindness and all types of vampires.

So to say we are all happy is an understatement.

Bella found her 2nd chance mate and is now living happily in Canada were she has adopted a child name Addison.

The rest of the Cullen family moved to where we lived and was granted god hood by my dad at the request of Edward and they are living happily in the castle that Esme built for them on Earth.

Charlie is now my Father-in-law after he married Sue who turns out to be his mate. Thankfully Charlie doesn't hold anything against us for breaking Bella's heart. he was at first but now after we had to let him in on a ton of supernatural secrets he was okay with it.

"Mom!" Called Nessie from our 4 story modern home that Esme built for us in Phoenix Arizona. Even though gods have a realm to their self, some tend to live in places like earth or in other realms.

"Yes Nessie?" I called back.

"Damon is being a jerk." Edward and I had a child after the wedding and He wanted to name him Damon so I said yes and so Damon was named and birth and is the god of mind and weapons.

"Damon and Nessie come here." I called. Nessie and Damon raised down the stairs and I smiled at my 3 year old son and my 22 year old daughter. "Damon what did you do?" I asked.

"I pwayed wif hwr wine." He tried to say. I laughed.

"Say sorry." I told him.

"Swooy sissy." He hugged her and I smiled. they went back to playing and I laughed. I walked around and entered the music room to see Edward playing my song that he created.

"Hello Love." I said to him.

"Hey." he kissed my cheek once I sat next to him. I knew that we would have a happy ending after that. I mean what could go wrong?


I have finally finished my second book here on Wattpad and I hope that you have enjoyed the story so far. If you want to check out any other stories I will be creating go to ShadowChaos2001 bye!

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