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Edward's P.O.V.

I had to admit that Ares was good with Nessie but I just couldn't be the selfish monster I have been my entire life and take Nessie away from her mom. I just couldn't. Bella has become clingy she is afraid I will leave her and I was afraid of what she might do if I did.

"Edward, It's fine." Ares kept saying to me every time I would try and Justify my reasons for not choosing her. I could see that she was getting annoyed with me and I understood. It felt like the more I tried to convince myself that I was doing the right thing for me, Ness, and Bella it backfired with ways that Nessie seemed to get along well with Ares, Hades, and Zeus.

The door bell rang and Bela panicked. "It's Charlie. Should we hide the denile's?" I shook my head.

"That's just Ares, Hades, and Zeus coming back from whatever it is they do." I told her. She sat back and crossed her arms.

"I can't wait tell she leaves." Bella said. I wanted to defend Ares but I just couldn't so I ended up agreeing with her.

"I know Bella. in a couple months she will be gone and we will have a happy ever after." I told her. She smiled and we started a make out session.

"Look, I know you guys are married but we have a child around here and she doesn't need to see this." I heard Ares say. I chuckled.

"Lovely to see you." I said She playfully stuck out her tongue. I laughed. "Real mature."

"What! No, I am more mature then you!" She argued crossing her arms making her look more pretty.

"No, I am older then you!" I argued back. She snorted and looked me dead in the eye.

"Yeah well when you have been alive for more then 10 billion years then you can say you are older then me Mr. Cullen." She said. I laughed and we both started to laugh.

"Great." Bella said sarcastically. Ares recovered and looked at Bella.

"Sorry." Ares left the room and I stopped laughing.

"Man! I haven't laughed like that since I took you to the baseball field the first time." I said. Bella flashed us to the house and we had love. But it felt weird it didn't feel right. Not that it did in the first place but this feels more wrong somehow.

we got back to the house and Bella was smug while I was puzzled.

...................................................................The next morning..............................................................................

Hade's P.O.V.

You could tell that Ares was sad. She was laughing earlier yesterday and now she was hurt. Probably because you could hear Bella and Edward from their cottage.

"Hey handsome!" Leah said coming and kissing my cheek. I smiled. My beautiful mate.

"Hi gorgeous." I flipped her over the couch onto my lap. She laughed.

"Is something wrong with Ares?" She asked me. She and Ares along with Zeus were great friends.

"Not really. Her mate had sex with other woman so that's basically saying he doesn't ant her. But why do you ask?"

"She is outside flinging water balls at trees. and she made an animal choke on their own blood." She told me. I flash Leah on my back and ran to where Ares was currently making a tree die. Leah squealed and Ares looked at us. She had tears of blood down her face.

When our mate rejects us or makes us regret ever meeting them we cry blood. It's not red but gold. I rushed to her and she started crying into my shoulder.

"Hades. I wished I had never come." She said as I stroked her hair. Leah came and rubbed her back. I was lucky to have a mate understand the Situation.

"Ares. It will be all okay, I know how much it hurts." Leah said to her. "My first love imprinted on my cousin." I nodded hearing the story.

"But why!" She cried some more. The goddess of War was upset and that meant that she wasn't stable. "I-I don't know what to do. Leah get Zeus." She asked sniffing. Leah turned and ran to get Zeus who at the Clearwater house with Seth.

Zeus's P.O.V.

When Leah busted in with gold on her shirt and was mad I knew something happened with Ares. "Ares is crying." I gasped, it takes a lot to make Ares cry. I kissed Seth's cheek.

"I will be back." I ran after Leah and arrived at the backyard of the Cullen's to see that Ares's sadness was killing everything around her. "Leah stay back, you aren't a god so you will get hurt." She nodded and I ran to my sister. I hugged her and Hades left to go back to his mate.

"Why! I was a goddess and she is a vampire, not even his mate! I just can't deal with this right now." She said into my shoulder.

"I know love. I know. He is a selfish vampire and doesn't deserve you. But you have to be strong." I told her. She cried even more.

"But he was my mate. I know I am a crazy goddess who loves war but I found my happiness instead of love and he just picks his blood singer over his mate." She started to cry again. I sniffled since it was sad. She is my sister and Bestfriend.

"How about a good war to get you happy again?" I suggested. Ares cried even harder.

"I am living in a war of love. I just wish I didn't have emotions then I wouldn't feel every time they kiss, or have Sex." She cried.

"It will be okay. I don't know what will make you happy but Dad wouldn't want to see you like this." I told her. She nodded and sat up wiping the tears.

"Look at me the harden goddess of war! what a pathetic god I make." She laughed. I smiled.

"Trust me it will get better and if it doesn't you can leave and never see their faces again." I told her. She nodded and stood up.

"I think you are right. I need a good war to watch or I could use a practice partner." I smiled as she said that knowing she was going to be okay.

"I think that is a great idea." I told her and we switched clothes and got our weapons ready and she charged first.

The Goddess of War. (edward x OC) Where stories live. Discover now