Magic Class

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Ares's P.O.V.

When they told me a couple of days later to meet them in the woods to practice their powers I thought they were joking but when I arrived there stood Edward, Bella, Elazar, Kate, Jacob, Nessie, Zeus, Seth, Hades, Carlisle, Esme, Emmet, Rosalie, Leah, and Tanya. I nodded so it was true they actually wanted me to teach them.

"Good morning class." I said coming to their group. "Get into pairs except for Nessie, Jacob, Seth, and Leah. I need you to come up here and watch." They got into pairs and Zeus paired up with Edward and Bella got paired up with Hades. "Zeus, Hades switch partners with Tanya and Elazar." I commanded them. They groaned and went to were Kate and Emmet were.

"Now I want Bella and Elazar to step up. I know this is a Magic class but since you have asked me the goddess of war to teach you were are going to be learning combat." I told them. They all nodded and got ready. "Fight the best you can and I will call each of you up here to show off your power."

Bella and Elazar got into place and Bella used her shield to block what he was doing with his power. "Bella, you have a defensive talent I suggest you try and use it in the battle not before." I told her. She nodded and I felt her release on it. "Now Elazar, You have a defensive and offensive power. Both being able to use their power against them and blocking their use of it also being able to detect what that power is. I want you to only use it when you feel threated so that way if a enemy is uneducated in your power you can surprise them." They nodded and fought a little bit. "Zeus and Kate!"

"Kate has Electricity." Zeus told me. I thanked her with a nod.

"So Zeus and Kate you guys are evenly matched when Zeus isn't using her other powers. I want you Kate to try and surprise the enemy at any given moment and then Zeus you try to counter attack." I watched them as Kate tried to surprise Zeus and Zeus counter attack. Kate finally got Zeus and Seth almost ran to get her but I stopped him. "Good Kate. Use that! and Zeus good job." They nodded and smiled I let Seth check Zeus to make sure she was alright.

We did that all day. Me teaching them and they actually listening. "Class dismissed, Be here same time tomorrow." They thanked me and left except Edward.

"I wanted you to know-" He tried saying.

"Look, You choose Bella over me. I don't care, she is your wife and you are married to her so I get it. SO stop trying to tell me why and let's move on." I told him. He just stared. "Because at this point it seems to me as if you are trying to convince yourself rather then me." I left him standing there and I felt better. "Oh and when I leave remember to say: I (your name) reject (My name) as my mate and relinquish all mate ties to (my name) in the name of Chaos." I yelled.

"So..." Zeus said.

"I feel better." I smiled and we left to get some ice cream.

...................................................the next morning...................................

The more witnesses had power the more showed up to my class. I was happy of course it means more time spending with people before the war. Company was always a good thing.

"So." Edward said putting his arm around me during break. I was confused. "Want to go see Nessie she is awake." He said. I nodded and we walked upstairs to see my- i meant their- Nessie. "ness, you have a visitor." Edward said opening his daughter's door. She smiled and ran out hugging me.

"I had another dream about the beautiful goddess." She said to me.

"Really? What was it about this time?" I asked smiling. She has this amazing ability to tap into my emotions and make them a dream it's really cute.

"She was so happy. She was holding a tiny goddess's hand and smiling at the handsome god who finally accepted her after their multiple fights. He figured out that the best thing for his daughter and him is if he went with his mate the beautiful goddess instead of the girl's mother who was abusing her." Nessie said without taking a breath. I smiled.

"that sounds like a beautiful dream." I said and got up but she pulled me back down.

"But this time they spoke and I could hear them! They were talking about how the girl was going to have a baby brother! isn't that romantic!" She squealed. I smiled even bigger.

"That's sweet. want to join me and see daddy mess up again?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah!" Nessie shouted.

"Hey I don't mess up! I just trip." He laughed. I laughed to

"Sure." I bent down again "Nessie, He losses to everybody because I tell them how to counter his gift." I whispered. She laughed and soon it was a laughing war. I felt better with Nessie in my life.

"mommy? I meant Ares can you fight daddy?" She asked me. I froze at the word Mommy I could tell Edward did to.

"Sure anything for you!" I touched her nose. and ran with her on my back and Edward was chasing us. We got back to the field where I saw Kate and Bella waiting. Bella looked at us and wasn't happy.

"Did you wake up Nessie?" She demanded. I shook my head in a silent no and she huffed and kissed Edward in front of me.

"Petty." I whispered to Nessie and we started to giggle. I set her down and watched Bella train with Kate.

I felt that I was fulfilling my duty as the Goddess of war and strategy. I felt as if I have a purpose.

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