Chapter 4: The Kiss

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Dre begin to talk into a mic.
"Alright man this has been a crazy year and we're only in September! But man am I proud of this guy right here." He looks at Marshall as he speaks. "A lot of hard work and sleepless nights went into his new album that's gonna be coming out at the end of this year. So, I wanted to throw this boat party so my man can finally sit back and relax because Lord knows he fucking worked hard for this. A few minor adjustments still need to be made I know, I know but for the most part man you're done and its gonna be great. So here's to my brother cheers."

Dre comes over and hugs Em, "thanks man for what you said, and just everything. I appreciate it." Marshall says as he takes the mic clearing his throat before he speaks, "ayo make some motherfuckin' noise for Dre yo, because I couldn't of done this shit without him!"

He throws the mic to Mikey who addresses everyone.

"Ok y'all we're gonna be makin' our way back to shore thank you all for showin' the fuck up for my boys and makin' this day fuckin' great."

He puts the mic down and the music starts blasting through the speakers again playing Eminem's "The Monster."

I look at Marshall standing next to me. "Wow so this was your party? I can't wait to hear your new album!" I tell him with enthusiasm, it's true I'm so excited.

He walks with me over to the edge of the boat. "Yeah they kind of surprised me with it, normally I don't do this type of shit, Dre knows me too well that's why he sprung it on me the way he did you know, so I couldn't back out."

"Well I'm really glad you didn't back out, or else I would be standing here freezing and alone." I smile at him.

"Shit freezing maybe, but alone? Nah no way you're too cute to be standing alone. No doubt one of my homies would be over here whisperin' sweet nothings into your ear if I wasn't here to do it." He chuckles.

"But on a serious note I'm really glad for once I didn't back out too." He says as he looks deep into my eyes.

"Man I can already tell those beautiful green eyes of yours are gonna be fuckin' trouble for me." He looks deep into my eyes shaking his head.

Wow did he really just call my eyes beautiful?

My stomach is swarming with those damn butterflies again.

When I look at him he has a different look in his eyes not sure what maybe lust? He places his hand on my back and gently rubs it up and down while he stands next to me.

"Hey you hungry? I haven't seen you eat anything since you've been on board." He asks with concern laced in his voice.

Awe he is too cute!

"Maybe a little." I hadn't really noticed until he brought it up but I was getting hungry, since all I had was a piece of toast this morning.

He walks me over to the table of food and hands me a plate and grabbing one for himself also. I add to mine some bread, some chips and dip, some fruit and walk over to the lounge area to sit at a table. Marshall follows and sits down across from me. We both ate in silence just glancing at each other every now and then. We finish and I felt a lot better with my stomach not growling anymore. We both took a drink of our waters. He started the conversation.

"So do you live here in LA?" He asks.

"Yup born and raised." I reply.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes but only because I live in the quiet part of LA not in the busy part of the city." I smile at him as I explain.
"I live on a big property that has two houses on it, I live in one and my parents live in the other it's in the quiet part of LA."

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