Chapter 21: Fifty's Party - Part 2

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I shake myself from my thoughts, Marshall is still just staring at me, his blue eyes piercing into me. I reach up to his face with my free hand, as my water is in the other one, he leans his head into my touch while his eyes stay on mine. This man is fucking everything! He leans down and kisses me softly, he doesn't use his tongue, he just kisses me and then pulls back to look at me. He grabs our waters and places them on a little table next to us. Like I said we are off kind of secluded, there are a few people around though. Marshall grabs my waist and starts to sway with me a little. I put my hands around his neck, this is so cute, he's dancing with me! God he can really move his hips and he isn't even really trying right now. We suddenly get interrupted.

"Hey yo Em! I thought that was you, why you way the fuck over here man?" Denaun asked Marshall.

"What's up man? You know, just trying to stay away from all the craziness. We just came so I could show my support you know?" Marshall said as he did his half hug and hand shake with Denaun.

"Yeah man, I know. Yo Dani how you doin girl!" He asked me as he came over and gave me a hug.

"I'm good Denaun how have you been?" I asked him, it was nice seeing a familiar face.

"Good, good, you know I'm still talkin to your girl right?"

"What! No, I didn't know that, aw I'm glad that's great!" I said and it's true that would be awesome if him and Leena became more. I wonder why Leena didn't mention it to me, actually I know exactly why she didn't, we've been too busy talking about my life and Darren everytime we've talked. I need to call her tomorrow and ask her more about this. Just as Denaun and I are still talking, I look over and see an attractive a little shorter than me maybe 5'5 or 5'6 brunette walk up to Marshall she hugs him, he hugs her back, he's about 10 feet away from me, so I can't hear what she is saying to him. I then see him start to look around, his eyes stop when they land on mine. She was talking to him he was nodding his head to what she was saying but he never took his eyes from mine.

"Oh shit, I better go save my man!" Denaun said as he followed my glare.

That was weird, did he know her too? I stayed where I was, Denaun walked over there and Marshall hugged the girl and walked back over to me. Leaving Denaun talking to her.

"She's pretty, who is she?" I asked him.

"She is? Hmm I didn't notice, she's just another one of these girls here that wants attention, that's all."

"You don't know her?" I asked because it looked like they knew each other.

"I've seen her around, but that's all." He said while he kissed my cheek.

"Yo Em, how long you guys stayin man?" Denaun asked as he made his way back over to us.

"I don't know man, I think I'm bout ready to leave now!" He says as he looks in my eyes.

"Shit, things are getting pretty serious for y'all huh?" He asked Marshall.

"Yeah man, she's my girl!" He said as he broke his stare with me to look at Denaun.

"Oh shit really man!? That's some good fuckin news brother! He half hugged Marshall shaking his hand with a big grin. Marshall hugged him back with a smile. Denaun came over and hugged me, "I was hopin you was gonna be good for my brother!" Welcome to the family Dani!" He said as he laughed and shook his head.

"Thank you Denaun!" I said as I felt my cheeks heat up. My stomach was going crazy with butterflies, anytime he told someone I was his girl, it made those damn butterflies go crazy and my cheeks flush red.

"Well, I will see y'all around, or see ya later guys in case I don't see you again before y'all leave." Denaun said as he walked off into the crowd.

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