Chapter 75: Revelations

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~Marshall's POV~

I continue pacing in the kitchen, not even sure what I'm suppose to do right now. The cops are trying to get any and all the information they can from Amanda.

"How did you and Mr. Wells meet?" I hear them ask her so I listen in, I wanna know that shit too.

"Um... We actually met and started a romantic relationship a couple of weeks before I met Marshall." She says and I'm pissed, she was involved with Darren before I met her?

"Ok, did the two have anything to do with the other?" Officer Riggs asks her.

"Actually, they did because of my relationship with Darren, I was able to meet Marshall. He invited me over one day and he explained that he might be able to get me into a club where Eminem would be, it was also his way of sort of ending things with me. I always knew we would eventually have to stop seeing each other because he told me when we first met that he was married."

"And you know now that he was referring to Miss Norwood?" Riggs asks.

I can't hold back any further, "wait so you and Darren planned this shit from the jump? What? You seduce me and she runs back to him?"

"Mr. Mathers, I know this is hard and you might even hear some things you haven't heard yet but it's very important for us to get all of the details for this case so that we can do our job." Officer Bowman states and I walk off irritated. I can't deal with all this shit and worry about Dani and my baby. I grab my phone off the counter and walk off towards the living room, Denaun and Leena are sitting on the couch.

"Man, Em have they heard anything?" Denaun asks concerned.

"Nah man, but they're questioning Amanda and she's tellin' them all kinds of shit I didn't know," I look over at Leena, "Leena, you know Darren, is he gonna hurt her?"

"Marshall, I don't know this Darren, the Darren I know would have never done anything like this. I'm so lost and confused. I keep trying to rack my mind for signs that he had this in him but he's never been like this. I'm her best friend, she would have told me if he was abusive or controlling. I mean she has expressed he gets jealous and flips on her sometimes but as far as I know she's never feared him." Leena says and I can see how much this is affecting her. Denaun puts his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

"Marshall? Can I please talk to you?" Amanda's voice echo's through my living room, I turn around and glare at her.

"Nah, whatever the fuck you have to say, say it to them! You and me ain't got shit to say to one another!" I walk past her and head upstairs to mine and Dani's room. I sit down on the bed and place my head in my hands. Why did he do this? Why can't he just let us be fuckin' happy? He was cheating on her! God I hope everyone's right and he cares enough about her to not hurt her. Suddenly my phone rings, I pull it out of my pocket and see Tim's name flash across the screen.


"Boss, did you listen to the whole conversation between Dani and Darren on the monitor?"

"Nah, I started to and then the cops were questioning Amanda and I walked out."

"Well he seemed really mad when he found out she was pregnant boss."

"Fuck! I'll be right down!" I hang up and walk back downstairs. Tim has the footage paused and as I walk into the kitchen he resumes it and I hear Darren talk to Dani as he realizes she's pregnant, he looks weird, like he's using. Dani has her hands over her stomach in a protective way. Her natural instinct is to protect our baby. Fuck, this is hard to watch! You can see it on his face, he wasn't expecting her to be pregnant. His eyes become even darker than they were before as he takes in the fact she's pregnant and with my baby. The cops have stopped what they were doing and are watching the screen intently, I look over as Denaun and Leena enter the kitchen as well; everyone watching in horror as Darren continues losing his shit.

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