Chapter 36: Time

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Things have been crazy lately, I have not seen Marshall since he left 3 weeks ago to go home to Detroit. He does do his best to call me every night before he goes to sleep, but I can't talk to him before I go to sleep because of the time difference, so he just calls me before he goes to bed which is usually about 5 or 6 my time. I miss him so much! Some days this feels unbearable. Others it seems like I got a grip on it and I know without a single doubt we will get through this, but I'd be lying if I said I believe that one more. It's just to be in love in this way, and not be with that person is hard. Especially the times I know he is in LA and I still don't get to see him! I know it's not easy for him either, but he has an album coming out so he's doing a lot of promoting for it and getting prepared. I knew what I was getting into with him, and I don't regret it at all. I love this man! With everything. I just miss him so much.

I've been trying to keep busy, I've been helping Leena out at her mom's boutique. It helps to keep my mind busy. I still have Matt with me, people still recognize me as "Eminem's girlfriend" but not often, which I'm glad about. I'm sure that will change when we get to see each other again, if we get to see each other again! Ugh I need to stop thinking like that. I just can't help it I mean what if he meets someone new? Someone in Detroit? I know he loves me, but I'm human I get scared and jealous sometimes, I think it's normal. Leena's in the back grabbing a box of new things to put out, I really like it here, it's a cute little second hand store. A lot of people donate things and we sift through it and resale items that are still in good condition. Leena comes back with the box in her hands and places it on the counter.

"Have I told you lately how happy I am you have been helping us out?" Leena's mother Denise says to me while she pats my back. "It's really nice having the two of you here." She smiles at us.

"I'm glad I can help out, and it helps being here for me also." I say with a smile. I'm just volunteering, I really don't need the money and I have nothing better to do, and they have recently lost an employee due to paternity leave. She'll be back in a couple weeks. So in the mean time I'm here. Just as Leena and I are sorting through the box the bell rings on the door letting us know someone just entered the door, without looking up Leena yells "welcome!" I look up to see Ken walking over with Darren! What the fuck?!

"Uh Leena, did you know Ken was stopping by?" I whispered in her ear so only she could hear me.

"What! No!" She yelled and snapped her head in their direction. Ken smiles at her.

"Hey gorgeous!" He says and wraps her in a hug. Talk about awkward! I make eye contact with Darren, fuck I don't know what to do.

"Hey Danielle!" Ken says and hugs me.

"Hey." I say and hug him back.

"Hi Dani, you look good, how have you been?" Darren says as he walks towards me. I freeze as he puts his arms around me.

"Uh good, um you?" I ask, feeling so awkward!

"As good as I can be I guess, I miss you. I'm sorry I just can't see you and not tell you what I'm thinking cause I need you to know." He says as he looks deep into my eyes.

"Uh Dani girl you ok?" Leena whispers to me.

"I don't know, I guess. I'm just gonna go through the box k." I say as I walk back behind the counter putting distance between me and Darren.

"Ok. But girl tell me if you want me to tell him to leave." She whispers back to me. I just nod at her. Just then I hear my phone go off. I reach below the counter and grab my phone from my purse. I have a new message, I open it.

From Marshall ❤:

Hey baby, I miss you. I just got a free minute and wanted you to know that and I love you.

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