Chapter 84: Face Off

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~Darren's POV~

I've been hiding out for the last two months, trying to stay off the grid. Mostly been sleeping under bridges, I can't get back to LA I know my face has to be all over the news. None of this shit has been easy, I can't believe I killed her, I promised her I wouldn't hurt her but I did. I can't get the image out of my mind, her lying helpless blood everywhere, I did the only thing I could and that was run. If I stayed they would have just arrested me. Looking back I should of never left her, my entire world is flipped, my heart shattered. I've been using every chance I can get my hands on shit, I just want to forget but the drugs never last and I'm always plunged back into my reality, she's gone and it's my fault.

I just made my way to a truck stop and paid to take a much needed shower. I gotta figure out something 'cause I'm almost out of the money I took out of the bank before I picked up Dani, that day. I'm too worried about pulling out more 'cause I'm sure the police are tracking my every fucking move. I need to maybe go to Amanda, she might be able to help me, I went by her place a few weeks ago and there was a cop out front, honestly I don't even know if she's still in Detroit she might of went back home by now. I decided to get a hot meal so I pull my hood up tight around my face and walk into the truck stop. I take a seat in a secluded booth.

"Hello, can I get you a hot cup of coffee?" The perky waitress asks with a big smile.

I don't meet her eyes, "uh yeah, that would be great thanks." She leaves a menu and turns heading back into the kitchen. I look over the menu, I can't even remember the last time I had hot food.
After a few minutes the waitress returns with my coffee and takes my order. I look around the small dinner and notice a TV in the corner, I turn a little so I can get a better view. Just my fucking luck! It's on some local news channel, fuck I might have to bail if I see my face. I can't even put into words the shock I go through when it's not my face I see but... No, she, she was I seen her I mean she couldn't of made it. Oh my God... It's Dani, I move from my booth and make my way closer to the TV and hear what they were saying, she's alive! She's at a hospital not too far from where I am. I need to see her, apologize, fuck what if I get caught? I don't care, I have to see her she's worth it. I run out of the restaurant not even worrying about paying for the coffee. I run a few blocks to the bus stop. I jump on and pay.

Fuck what am I even gonna do when I get there? He's probably with her! Will they even let me in? Maybe I could wait until it's dark? I look out the window, it's gotta be close to evening time. The bus stops a few blocks from the hospital, I get off and begin my walk. Still not thinking clearly considering I'm still high as fuck. I should wait till my head is a little more clear, I can't though I need to see her, I smile to myself, I didn't kill her, she's ok! I pick up my fast pace.

~Marshall's POV~

I look up at Ben, Dani's hold on my arm gets tighter.

"Baby, stay here." I look her in her eyes.

"Wait, why?" I feel her tense up I think she can feel my rigid emotions. I don't know who is on the other side of that door but the way Ben came barging in I would say it's someone not on her list. My heart rate picks up and I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna do if that motherfucker is here, so I need Dani to stay in here because if she sees me lose it on him she will be afraid of me I'm sure. After all she thinks he's her fuckin' boyfriend. My adrenaline is burning through my veins.

"Wait Marshall, why are you so on edge, all he said is I have company, it's probably just my parents or Darren." She pulls on my arm.

"Dani, look at me, please stay here. You're probably right just let me go see k, I'll be right back." I remove her hand from my arm and look up at Ben, "make sure she stays in here." He nods and I walk out the door. I look around and see a guy in a hood sitting down in one of the chairs. I walk over standing in front of him, my anger taking over, when he notices someone in front of him he looks up, when his eyes meet mine he jumps to his feet with his hands out in a surrendering stance.

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