Chapter 27: Decisions

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Marshall walks into the kitchen and we all follow him, I grabbed my Pepsi and take a drink.

"Do you guys want anything? Paul, Kim you guys thirsty? Hungry? Help yourselves!" He said as he started to make a sandwich.

"Baby, are you hungry yet?" He asked me.

"No, I can't eat, I'm too pissed." I say as I take another drink of my soda.

"No thanks uh Dani it was nice meeting you, Marshall I'm going to take off now, make sure you call Whitney later to explain this shit to her when she's out of school!" Kim says as she heads for the door.

"It was nice meeting you too." I say.

"Alright I will." Marshall says as Kim walks out the door.

"Em, what do you want to do with this? Do you want to try and get on top of it, and set up an interview to set the record straight or what?" Paul asks Marshall as he's making his sandwich.

"Man I'm not sure, Dani, what do you think? Darren is lying about a lot of shit, do you want to set the record straight?" He asked me.

"Well actually I was referring to you Marshall, not Dani, we just need you for the interview." Paul said.

"No fuck that shit, if I'm gonna do this Dani is going to be with me, this involves her too, I want her there Paul." Marshall said as he looked at me.

"Well I don't know, do we need to decide right now?" I asked.

"The sooner the better." Paul said and this is the first time Paul has talked to me let alone looked at me.

"Paul give us a minute please." Marshall said. Paul sighed and walked out of the kitchen.

"Baby, it's up to you, what do you wanna do?" Marshall asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Fuck I don't know! Darren is lying about shit, but what if I can talk to him? What if I can get him to retract the lies he's saying?" I said while I played with my fingers.

"Baby, look at everything he's done and you're still trying to give him the benefit of the doubt." He says. And he's right. I keep thinking I still know this man, but I don't, this man never loved me this man cheated on me this man is selling our story to the highest bidder! I meant nothing to this man. I take a deep breath, "I think I need to call him Marshall." I say and look at him.

"If that's what you feel like you need to do, then ok." Marshall said.

"I do, I think after I talk to him I will know what to do." I say.

"Do you want me to be with you?" He asked.

"Yes, but do you think you'll be able to keep your cool?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He said.

"Yeah? Even if he starts yelling at me or cussing me out?" I asked him.

"No! If he does that shit then I will say something, I'm just letting you know right now." He says matter of factly.

Fuck I don't know if this is a good idea, but I need to know what to do. "Ok well I'm going to call him in the room, my phone is up there anyways, are you going to come with me?" I ask as I start to walk out of the kitchen.

"Yes of course, hey Paul, we'll be right back, help yourself to whatever! Marshall yelled to him as he ate the last bite of his sandwich.

We get upstairs, I sit on the bed.
"Man, you ok? Some of what those magazines are saying is messed up, about you cheating on your boyfriend, or what about the one that said fiance, or you dating me for my money!" He said and laughed.

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