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Dear Jack,
I know that you don't know who I am and I'm not going to tell you, either. But I'm writing this letter because I have held in these thoughts for too long. You see, the first time I saw you, you ran away from me. You always keep your good down and have no intention of socialising or making a single friend. I know this letter is only short, but do letters always have to be lengthy? You see, the truth is Jack, I want to get to know you but not as a friend. I Love you, Jack.
-locker 39

Zach finished the letter and showed it to Corbyn for the sixth time this evening.

"Well it could be better..."

"Corbyn!" The Younger teen moaned, not wanting to rewrite the letter again.

"But it will do," Corbyn finished. Zach threw his hands up in the air after hearing this comment.

"Thank god!" He said.

"But," he continued, clearly frustrating the younger teen. "It could be a teeny bit longe- " he was cut off, one again by Zach.

"It was supposed to be short, idiot!" He puts his hand on his forehead before putting them out again. "it says so in the letter!"

"Okay, okay! Calm down, bro! I was only teasing you." The blond could not contain the tougher that the younger teen had brought him from his sudden outburst which only made Zach more annoyed.

"I hate you," he muttered under his breath; the words just loud enough for Corbyn to hear.


"Jack, please!" Mrs Barnsley begged, her eyes brimming with tears. Jack looked down appalled at what he had done and out of pure habit, he signed. "I'm sorry" to the woman.

Mrs Barnsley as the teens movement and realised what it was. She calmed down. "Don't be sorry," she said. It was and accident. She hurried away to clear the mess up in the kitchen.

The curly haired boy stood their in shock. She knew sign language? As much as he was shocked though, he was also very grateful for it. It meant that th e note - passing between the two could be lessened by a huge amount.

Jack stood up and walked into the kitchen, where the teacher stood and patted on her shoulder. "Hmm?" She said, looking up and standing the broom against the counter. Jack raised his hands and began to sign once more.

"Thank you," he said. "Where did you learn?"

"My sister," she signed back. Jack nodded.

"Can I have a friend stay?" He asked smiling. Mrs Barnsley nodded, realising that with the situation he was in, moral support would probably by greatly appreciated by the boy. "thank you," the middle aged woman was taken aback suddenly by the teen hugging her, but soon she hugged the boy back.

"What's your friend's name?" She asked. "where's he from? When's he coming? How old is he?" She teen answered the curious lady's questions as quickly and as efficiently as possible as he could, during her curiosity and, as they chatted, he realised how much that, like his mother, (before his stepfather came into their lives and, in his opinion, ruining them completely) loved having guests over. He smiled at the thought of the mother he used to know an love. The mother he missed but not as much as he missed his father. The man who have him confidence in his voice and overlooked his speech impediment and acted as it didn't exist.

He was the only person he had ever talked to who didn't judge his extreme stutter and told him to be proud of who and was.

Now he's gone, Jack didn't think there was any point continuing to speak so he stopped completely.

Speechless// Jachary Where stories live. Discover now