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"Corbyn, be serious. He really asked that?" The exuberant boy asked, not believing the blond.

"Yes he did, Zach." Corbyn replied.

"And you're not joking?" He asked, earning a not from Corbyn. "Cool," He replied, smiling ear to ear.

He was in love with the mute to an extent that he would die for him if necessary. He was so happy to have his crush ask to see him and he let his joy be shown to the world the next day at school.

Jonah, however, was not doing as well. His head was filled up with guilt and he was regretting hurting the boy who he once called his Best friend.

He felt bad for telling his secret

He felt bad for the Oliver Green situation

He felt bad for hurting his birth parents and adoptive parents

He felt bad for not being supportive to his once beat friend.

Since the accident, he had realised the extent of pain he had caused other people and he just couldn't ignore it like he used to be able to. But neither could he fix it.

Jack didn't want to talk to him, Oliver Green shot himself, his family hated him and he had lost the trust he had worked so hard on getting.

Jonah became depressed.

No one noticed Jonah's change in personality until one day at school.

"Okay, class. Today  I am assigning a joint project to you. I have chosen your partner based on your grades." The class moaned, hoping that they had a good partner.

The teacher put a list on the board with the partners listed.

Jonah skimmed the list to find his name. He looked to the side and saw Zach next to it and groaned again.

Zach walked over to Jonah and sat down, smiling at him. "Hey Jo," he said, happily.

"What are you so happy about." Jonah mumbled, annoyed at the younger teen's attitude.

"What do you wanna do for the project?" Zach asked.

"I don't care."

"Come on, your not being yourself."

"Well your the first person to say." Jonah was getting more frustrated at the minute. He just wanted to get out of here and hurt himself.

"Ooh, how about we ask people to anonymously write down something they've always liked about someone and then the same but not anonymous?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, whatever." Jonah said, not caring about life anymore.


Something's off about Jonah, Zach told his nerd fried as they walked out of school. "He seems really grumpy and just doesn't seem to want to do anything."

"He's always like that." Corbyn said.

"Is he?" The Younger teen didn't get an answer as the two boys had now parted ways on their journey home.


"Jack?" A voice called getting the boy who was currently in his own world's attention.

He looked up to see a nurse. "I have a letter for you." She walked over placing the letter in his hand before walking out.

I'm so dearly sorry about the way I acted around you. I love you so so so much and by ignoring you I was not being a good grandmother at all. You see, I took a test earlier to see if I have stigma and I do, Jack. I'm sorry. I want to change that but I find it so awkward because you don't talk but it's hard for me. I want you to know that I Love you. I love you with my whole heart. I love your smile, your curls and how you struggle to look people in the eye. I love you so much and I am so so so sorry for the way I treated you and when you come back home we are going to change it. I am going to be a better grandmother and I will break the stigma I have. I'm sorry, and I love you.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. He was full of love and now felt so happy and positive. He felt like giving life another go. He felt as if he could conquer the world. He felt happy.

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