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As soon as the bell, signalling the end of school rings, the curly haired boy left with haste. His first torturous day was over.

Swinging his blue backpack over his shoulder, he opened the door, letting the sunshine soak into his black hoodie.

He arrived home, greeted by the smell of cookies and his mom's warm smile.

"Hey sweetie, good day?" She asked him. The teen shrugged and looked down at the floor.

"C'mon Jack, I made cookies," she says, pointing in the direction of the kitchen, where two racks of his mom's signature cookies sat on the table.

Jack looked up at His mom as soon at the word 'cookies' left her mouth. He put on his best pleading face, knowing that he had to spend some time with her before his step father took her out to the club for the night.

"You want one, don't you?" The woman says, smiling. The teen nodded his head, curls flying into his eyes. He pushed them to the side before walking over and taking a seat next to his mother and the cookies.

He took a bite of one and looked down to the floor.

"Did you make any friends?" His mom asks, trying to start one of the non existent conversations they always have. Jack didn't answer, knowing she would be disappointed if he did.

"You didn't, did you," the older woman said with an edge to her voice. The boy shook his head, still not looking up at His disappointed mother. She stroked his cheek and took his hand in hers.

"Can you at least try?" She asked. "For me?" Jack looked back at His mom, fear plastered all over his face.

"Come here," his mom opened her arms wide beckoning him to hug her. "I Love you no matter what, okay?" She said after a couple of minutes being in the warm embrace. Jack nodded, but deep down, he didn't feel that way. She wasn't good enough to be a mother. No good enough at all.

The teen sighed and left, dashing to his bedroom. He didn't think he needed friends. He hadn't had any in a very long time and the last time he did, it didn't end well.

Speechless// Jachary Where stories live. Discover now