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Jordan couldn't sleep. He sat on his bed watching the pitter patter of the rain on his window sill.

He was watching Jack twist and turn in his sleep, getting more and more restless. He stated sweating and kicking. Jordan was getting increasingly worried. The boy had had enough. He hated to watch Jack suffer so he decided to wake him.

"JACK? JACK!" He screamed. The boy wasn't waking. Jordan started shaking him. "JACK! are you okay?" The boy woke. He was hyperventilating and his eyes were full of fear.

Jordan pulled him into a hug but was pushed away. He realised that due to fear, the boy had wet the bed. "Oh Jack," Jordan said. He did this his first night so could relate. "PTSD?" He asked, earning a nod from Jack.

The blond stood up. "I'm going to get the nurse on duty" He said, leaving Jack before he could object.

Jordan came back in the room a little while later, nurse in tow.

"Are you okay?" She asked the curly haired boy who nodded. He was okay; just very embarrassed be the phenomena which had just occurred.

"He had a nightmare," Jordan explained. "I woke him up." The nurse looked at Jordan, suspiciously.

"Okay," she said. Then why were you still up?"

"I can't sleep through storms." He explained simply, whilst shrugging.

"I better change your sheets then, hey."  She smiled. Jack nodded, embarrassed.


"Zach, no. I'm sorry. I missed it last time and I promised I would visit him at least every other." Corbyn said the the younger teen over the phone. He was asking for the blond to help him with his science project which Elias due for next week. Normally Corbyn would say yes, but he had made a promise to his little brother and Corbyn never broke a promise.

He hung up and hurried along the path to where the bus was waiting. He hopped on and told the driver where he was going before taking his seat next to an older lady.
"Hello," she said to him. Corbyn smiled, being the polite boy he is. "You look the same age as my grandson," she said.

"Oh, do I?" Corbyn said. "What's his name? Maybe I may know him?" She told the boy. She smiled.

"I don't exactly have the best relationship with my grandson. I'm kind of a bit scared of him." She said. "He's..." she paused. "Different ."

"I don't really understand him to be honest with you . I wish I tried harder with him. I think I may have lost him now." tears started rolling down her cheeks. "how I wish that I spoke to him about his troubles. Maybe if I did, we wouldn't have ended up in this mess in the fist place. I don't really have anyone to talk to this to about this to." She looked down.

"it's ok," Corbyn replied "I don't mind listening. I quite enjoy it, actually," the Lady smiled and looked over to him and she  placed her hand on his shoulder.

"thank you dear."  she said and got off the bus. Corbyn followed, trailing behind. He was intrigued by the lady and wanted to know who her grandson was.

Comment who you think the lady is! Who is her grandson! Don't forget about the competition and pm me if you would like a chapter dedication/ dedicate a chapter to someone who reads this book

Speechless// Jachary Where stories live. Discover now