Cullen vs Hale

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Time had passed that was for certain, but how much time I wasn't sure nor was I bothered. Life was good. Life was wonderful and calm for what seemed to be the first time.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me as I rested my head on his chest drawing circles with my fingers into the creases of his black top. We were both under the covers simply enjoying each others company.

"Nothing really, I'm just happy" I felt him shift slightly beneath me and his arm came to coil around my waist as he rolled on top of me kissing my neck, his honey blonde hair tickling the side of my face.

"Jasper, you're tickling me" I shrieked still enjoying the attention. That is until the door suddenly opened and he quickly at vampire speed clambered off of the bed getting tangled in the blankets and landed with a rather ungraceful thud.

"It's alright you two, it's just me" I saw Bella walk in and dump her bag on the chair, she looked drained both emotionally and physically.

"So you know what we are now?" Jasper untangled his foot still sitting on the ground beside my bed.

"Yup pretty much" she nodded her head and stood there awkwardly looking towards the window. I sighed and looked towards Jasper.

"I think I should get going, Edward probably wants to... talk" Jasper stood up and kissed the middle of my forehead and quickly jumped out of the window and headed home.

"So how was it then?" I asked patting the side of my bed and she plopped down quickly on it. We both rested back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling.

"I feel like I'm living in a slightly twisted fairy tale slash romeo and juliet" she said her face slightly blank as she looked at me.

"Are you okay with that?" I shifted to face her. It felt like ages since we'd had one of these heart to heart twin talks.
"You know what I think I am, I mean I trust him completely there's just something about him that draws me to him, but I do worry I feel like he's gonna disappear and I'll never see him again"

I took her hands and we both smiled at eachother.

"Plus he's quite hot" she giggled and I smirked.
"Ohhh you want him, you want lovvvee him, you want to kiss him-

"Ella!" Bella said bright red but with a grin on her face.

Even though it's been nice to finally have Jasper in my life, to finally have the fairy tale love or whatever you chose to see it as. It's nice sometimes to have someone you love that's like you and that knows everything that's going on instead of having to keep this huge secret to myself.

"Hey" I looked up as Bella questioned me.
"Promise me you'll always tell me everything no matter what it is. We should always tell eachother everything"
We crossed our pinkie fingers and said goodnight to eachother

"Tomorrow should be interesting" Bella said as she adjusted her pillow for sleep.
Jaspers pov

"So Bella figured it out, eventually" I said hopping down from a tree branch. I had just been hunting and needed to burn of a little excess energy. I couldn't stop thinking about the way she felt beneath me, her golden hair scrunched up in my fists as we battled for dominance which of course I won.

"You know, if you can't keep your thoughts to yourself I'm just going to walk the other way" Edward retorted with a slightly grey look as he tried his best to block the images I was accidentally sending him.

"Sorry, just can't seem to control myself " I said smirking slightly as I   looked at my feet.

Edward laughed as he continued upstairs to our kitchen shaking his head.
"I thought you were a soldier back in your day" I sighed and let out a stifled laughed.

"Once you fall in love everything else goes out the window"

"It's sure does" a voice startled me and I looked up to see Rosalie with her arms folded standing next one of the windows. Her eyes were ablaze and Emmett had his arms wrapped around her waist just to keep her back.

Edward started.

"No Edward! Don't you understand how dangerous this is for all of us involved?" She questioned as Alice came back from her hunt.

"But Rosalie don't we-

"I don't care what your excuse is, I can't just stand by and watch these two humans destroy everything that we've all built for eachother!" She shouted stepping towards me slightly as Edward backed off.

"You know I can't control this! I can't control the fact that she and I are bound to eachother, I can't deny it anymore, it would be the death of me!" I shouted I could see Rosalie flare up even more her eyes almost black with rage as she snarled at me and Edward but mostly me as Edward had kept quiet.

"Hey guys, can't we just let this go?" Emmett attempted to cool everything down as I started snarling at Rosalie. The major would come out soon if I wasn't careful.

"Jasper, maybe you should take a step back" I felt Edward pulling me back away from the confrontation.

"That's right pull away soldier boy" Rosalie taunted as Emmett pulled her away from me. It was too late I could feel myself slowly drifting away and the major taking over, this wouldn't end well.

Majors pov

I snarled at the blonde woman who then seemed to slightly cower away from me. They all do this eventually they're all scared of me. Except one, Ella. Although over the years I've not had to spend much time with her but somewhere deep within the blackness of my soul there was an undying love for her finally something that me and Jasper can agree on.

"Hey, let's just take this down a notch" Carlisle came into view as he held both hands up to my chest pushing me back slightly. I pushed him forcefully out of my way so hard that he smashed into the side wooden table and broke it. Sorry Carlisle.

I nodded at Carlisle to make sure he was okay he simply held up his hands and nodded but again that look of disappointment. I hated that look, everytime it just feels worse.

"Carlisle?" I asked going over to help him up.
"It's alright I know you didn't mean it" he said dusting himself off and pulling himself from the broken pile of wood.

"What happened in here!?" I heard Esme's voice. I turned around to see her wide eyed staring at her husband and then to me and then of course to rose.
"Rose, Jasper, major what have I told you about fighting... it always ends up like this, rose clean this mess up... Jasper, major go cool off somewhere"

Jaspers pov

"Esme I'm sorry I truly am, I never meant for him to come out" i apologised as she stressed about the mess of the kitchen. Esme meant the most to me having not had a mother figure before in my human life or not one that I can remember, Esme had taken me under her wing in my time of need but all I seem to be doing is letting her down.

"You never mean for it to happen but it always does Jasper, you need to learn to control your emotions"

Esme grabbed a brush along with Carlisle and rose.

"You know sometimes I wish I had just joined the volturi when they asked me, how do you expect me to control my emotions when I live with people everday that get to love their other half and I can't because I'm terrified that I'm going to kill her so I can never loose control... do you lot know what that feels like! Do you!"

"Jasper we didn't know" rose said reaching out to me but I backed away.

"I need to be alone"

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