never leave me 🥀

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It's like beauty and the beast, once the rose wilted and died he would remain a beast forever doomed to a life of misery and ridicule. Only this is my story and I refused to let my precious rose leave me. I refused to let go of Ella. I couldn't wait another hundred years. Now is our time to live, laugh and to love as much as we possibly can.

"Aaaahhh!" Ella screamed once again in agony. I could feel the burning pain ripple through her like a firework gone wrong. Her skin was so hot it was almost painful for me to keep a hold on her, but I had to. I had to for her sake, nothing else matters if she's not here.

"What the hell is happening Alice!" I shouted as I could feel the pain ripple through her body like a hot poker stick.
"Hold on we'll be there in 2 minutes!" Alice speed the car up until it was going at an inhuman speed.
"Make it stop, make it stop jasper" Ella cried tears falling heavily from her eyes as they started to glaze over with a hazy pain.

"I know darlin, I know but I promise I'm going to make it stop" I held her close and kissed the top of her burning forehead, the heat almost scorched my lips.

The car came to an abrupt stop as everybody got out at vampire speed and waited as I dragged Ella's limp body out of the car best I could without hurting her. I could tell that it hurt her to be touched right now.

I quickly took her in my arms bridal style as everybody stood around me.

"She's burning up by the second" rose said as she yanked her hand back with a hiss as her skin unbelievably turned a slight plush pink.

"Alice what did you see?" I asked as I started speeding up the stairs even my body had begun to feel the unnatural sensation her skin was sending off and vibrating painfully into me.
I looked down at lovingly trying to coax her to stay awake but the more I tried the more she seemed to slip further into the black abyss of her mind.
"Come, come on love you need to stay awake for me" I shook her in my arms but it was no use I could feel how intense the pain was getting and I'm not surprised she passed out.
I sunk down the wall of the stairs feeling unusually drained and tired which I knew was entirely impossible in itself. My chest felt heavey for the first time in over 100 years.

"Jasper!" I could see Alice run towards me and caught Ella's head as I slumped quickly to the floor and black dots covered my eyes.

"Hurry now hurry!" Carlisle shouted as he pulled me up and help me climb the flight of stair which seemed like a mountain. I didn't mind the fact that I was in pain, all I could manage as I passed out was...


Carlisle pov

"Oh my god!" Edward quickly caught Jasper as he fell back towards the bottom of the stairs. I know what's happening but it's been centuries since I've seen an emphatic gift attach itself so strongly to another being and that other time was between two vampires long before Jasper was born.

"Carlisle!" Alice shouted from up the stairs and popped her head around the side of the wall.
"What is it Alice!" I got up as Edward carried a passed out Jasper up the stairs behind me.
"I know it's impossible but... Ella... She's glowing.... like actually glowing" I stared back at her using my vampire speed to reach the make shift medical room I had installed just before Jasper had met Ella.

Sure enough Ella was actually glowing, a sort of transcendent glittery light that seemed to be flowing through her skin like a soul trying to escape a body.

"What do we do? How do we fix this carlisle?" I turned around to see Edward who was struggling to hold Jasper up which was strange.
"He's surprisingly heavey" he joked but all joking aside it's fair to say that there's only one thing we can do but I'm not sure any of coven are going to like it.

"I've seen this once before, it's rare but not impossible" I looked to see everybody was now in the room pack ice bags on top of Ella to keep her cool but the ice turned to water in seconds.

A/N: sorry it's so short I promise the next chapter will be longer. Just went with the flow and got caught in it lol.

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