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They all started packing they were excited as well as sad ..

mithoo and chutki went for shopping for buying some gifts for oberois as a memory they bought a SORP engraved four  bracelets and miss you cards..


Boys are very sad they decided to make a handmade card for the girls and also framed a group photograph of oberois and kapoors children...

finally the day arrived on which day kapoors have to go to london ...

before going to airport kapoors visit to oberoi mansion where mithoo and chutki given the three bracelets to boys and kept fourth one with them because prinku was too small so they decided they will give it to her when they return from london.

they also gave the miss u card to elders and took their blessings all became emotional and hugged and kissed them..

then boys came forward and handed them a card which they made and photograph after that all given bid bye to them.

oberois insisted to drop them at airport but vihaan denied because he will become weak and will not be able to leave them..

they went to london...

due to lots of work they got busy and with time they all lost each other contact ...

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