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Kapoor mansion..

Breakfast table..

Everyone already present there...

Anu- good morning everyone..

Everyone- good morning

Anu- so what's the plan for today

Shiv- I am going to Kapoor industry for closing the accounts

Om- I am going to complete the legal procedure of binding up of the firm

Prinku- I am thinking to visit different places here

Om- but how u can go alone I mean u r not familiar with this place

Veer- don't worry om bhaiya I will accompany her

Prinku- but why u will I haven't asked u


Ri- he love traveling and always finds way to go out of the house

Veer- exactly

Anu- ok veer take care of prinku

Veer- sure di

Anu- billlu ji I will accompany u to the Industry so that u can easily find the vouchers of the transactions

Shiv- ok

Om- Annika can u please give me a certificate of incorporation of ur company it will be needed

Anu- sure all the documents along with the account of liabilities and assets will be provided to u and Gauri please go with him so that he don't get any problem and confusion regarding documents

Ri- sure di but before that I want to ask do u want bank to have discounting bill receivable or u want to wait till maturity period

Anu- no discount it today only because I don't want any pending work here

Ri- ok di om do one thing first we should go to bank as it will take only few minutes after that we can go to court

Om- ok I have no problem with that

Veer- guyzz if u completed ur talk can we have a breakfast because I don't want to make it brunch

Everyone- yes

Shiv- Annika if u done with ur breakfast can we leave

Anu- ya

The left

Ri- om we should leave

Om- yes

They left

Veer- ma'am if u r done with ur breakfast can I get a jammy to show u nawaboo ka Saher

Prinku- yes I am soo excited

Veer- then come

They left...

Kapoor industry..

Shiv- Annika where are the vouchers of this transaction

Anu- it's here

Shiv- by the way Annika the account is bravely managed without any fraud and errors

Anu- I know the employees , workers and labour here are fully show their honesty towards their work that's why mr Sinha offered us that he will carry on the firm on our behalf and share 30% of profit with us

Shiv- then why u denied

Anu- because I don't want in my absence of any misconduct take place and blame come on my dad that's why I have sold firm to mr Sinha and he will establish his own enterprise here without removing any employee ,worker and labour who are  working here until they conduct any illegal activity according to the contract

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